
DBTC: Neon green toadstool


Supporting Member
I just added Neon green toadstool to DBTC.

There are 2 frag(s) available right now.


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Is the pic the frag or the mother colony?
Do you know of other larger specimens?
I’m curious to see a grown out one.
Trying to figure out if I have this or not.
Thanks in advance
Is the pic the frag or the mother colony?
Do you know of other larger specimens?
I’m curious to see a grown out one.
Trying to figure out if I have this or not.
Thanks in advance
This is a picture of one of the frags I have available. The one pictured has a 4" trunk, 3-4" diameter top....the other has a thick 2" trunk with 5" diameter top.
The mother colony has about 8-9" top
I would like a frag of this one.

@Max Nano Justin, @Edson, have requested a frag.

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I have a frag of this I could share. It’s not from this same chain, yet It’s the same type. Let me know if any of you are intrested and available to pick up in santa clara. I would just have to start a seprate dbtc as mine has different orgins. I could give it out on the new dbtc. Let me know if anyone is intrested. I would also be willing to frag my main toadstool again if there is alot of Intrest. ( Would need 1-2 weeks to heal and attach frag rock.)
I have a frag of this I could share. It’s not from this same chain, yet It’s the same type. Let me know if any of you are intrested and available to pick up in santa clara. I would just have to start a seprate dbtc as mine has different orgins. I could give it out on the new dbtc. Let me know if anyone is intrested. I would also be willing to frag my main toadstool again if there is alot of Intrest. ( Would need 1-2 weeks to heal and attach frag rock.)
I am interested! I have not kept any leathers yet but my LPS tank is very happy