got ethical husbandry?

DBTC: Nuclear Sunset Discosoma

Rules for this DBTC:

*must be a supporting ACTIVE BAR member
1. At least two frags should be offered through DBTC before you do whatever else you want with your extra frags.
2. People who have offered frags on this thread get first dibs on next frags (should something happen to theirs).
3. IMPORTANT - Must have a tank journal
4. Whoever is interested please put your name down or PM me, I will pick who will will get a frag - using BarCode doesn't guarantee you a frag, but gives me an idea that you are interested.
5. BOD members are exempt from my rules, we can talk if any interest.
6. If anyone sells their piece before completing their chain, I will ban that person from receiving any of my DBTC.
7. Current contributing DBTC'ers will have priority in joining my chain.

I got this from Legendary Corals last November. It's a nice mushroom, just a slow grower. I've had it since end of November 2023 and its spit out 3 babies, all about 1/2" right now, which I'll make available once I they attach to some rubble and I can mount to frag plugs.

Here's a pic of it under whites:
Nuclear Sunset Disco Whites.jpg

Here's a colony pic from the website:
Nuclear Sunset Discosoma - Legendary Corals.jpg
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