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DBTC: SCOP (Sexy Corals Orange Passion) tenuis

Went on a two week vacation and came back home to a pretty nasty case of dinos (ostreopsis) in the frag tank. Added a 25W UW and did a black out for a few days and it’s mostly cleared up. Doesn’t look like the SCOP was affected by the dinos much, if at all.

View attachment 57990

Not much change, but that’s a good sign for me. It survived this summer of trips and dinos. Hoping now that everything is back to normal, things will start growing again.

Im not sure if I'm on the waiting list for this one but I would love a frag as soon as ones ready. I'm finally "good" at SPS now haha
Im not sure if I'm on the waiting list for this one but I would love a frag as soon as ones ready. I'm finally "good" at SPS now haha
You’re not - you need to request the frag in barcode.

But more importantly, you need to coordinate pickup with someone who has a frag available - nobody at the moment.