High Tide Aquatics

[Dec 10, 2016] December 10 2016 potluck w/ Rich Ross! (Hayward, ca)

Coral reefer

Past President
Come one come all for the annual BAR Holliday potluck. Sat December 10, 2016. We should be in room 405 at chabot college. I don't have the details of the presentation Rich has for us, but he said it's a new one.

For those that don't know Rich, he is a local aquarium God that happens to work at the California academy of science, and is awesome enough to give a presentation for us pretty much every December. He also happens to be one of the founding members of BAR.

Plan on bringing a food or beverage to share with everyone, we usually get 20-35 people for this event. Please post in the thread that you are coming and what you are bringing. It's ok to not bring anything if you are not going to be eating or drinking, but what fun is that?!

There will be a BOD meeting either before or after the potluck and presentation which will be mandatory for all board members, and open to any club members. It is highly encouraged to attend and learn about how your club works, and what you can do to help.
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Hi All,

Thanks for having me again! The talk will be "I have a reef tank, I go on long trips, and I am lazy" This talk will cover how I run my home system and why, what it is ok to be lazy about and what it isn't ok to be lazy about, how to use reason and automation to counteract counteract the lazy.

He's definitely lazy. You can tell by the sheer amount of of LPS and NPS that he has in there versus acros, which were in abundance back in the day. Those don't need to be fed. /s
Come one come all for the annual BAR Holliday potluck. Sat December 10, 2016. We should be in room 405 at chabot college. I don't have the details of the presentation Rich has for us, but he said it's a new one.

For those that don't know Rich, he is a local aquarium God that happens to work at the California academy of science, and is awesome enough to give a presentation for us pretty much every December. He also happens to be one of the founding members of BAR.

Plan on bringing a food or beverage to share with everyone, we usually get 20-35 people for this event. Please post in the thread that you are coming and what you are bringing. It's ok to not bring anything if you are not going to be eating or drinking, but what fun is that?!

There will be a BOD meeting either before or after the potluck and presentation which will be mandatory for all board members, and open to any club members. It is highly encouraged to attend and learn about how your club works, and what you can do to help.

What time is the potluck and talk?
Well he says he is a lazy so maybe it was...
At a lab I used to work in, we referred to automation as "intelligent laziness". It was all about having enough domain knowledge to know what could be automated with available technology, understanding the limitations, and knowing what you just had to do yourself. Looking forward to this topic from someone who's grown the reef in the pic above.
Lots of talk here but no mention of food. Well, I think I will bring my crock pot with something delicious in it and maybe a side dish, but defintely a great dessert. I can't wait for this meeting. It is something I have been thinking about for about a year, maybe less!
Can't make this one unfortunately. My daughter is performing in the Nutcracker ballet that weekend so I'll be busy shooting the event.

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Oh wow, the topic sounds to me just like "I have a tank located not at home and am not there evenings, weekends, and vacations but could use automation to help out better." That is a perfect topic for me! Oooh - maybe the talk will include a bonus of the same but applied to plankton culture and jellyfish.
Trying hard to work my schedule to be there and bring a tasty dish.