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DeFarts' IM 50gal Lagoon Journey


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Hey BAR! I'm hoping to document the entire journey of this tank and incorporate the collective wisdom of the many folks here. My hope is that with your insight and knowledge, I can set myself up for success and mitigate mishaps along the way. In my short time in this community, it has already been a great experience. So many thanks to you all already!

It's been quite the month in my young reefing hobby journey. Started with a Fluval Evo 13.5gal in the beginning of Nov '23. Then I got the nudge from @Matthew Meyer to go for an upgrade that was listed here.

Thanks to @Twisted, I got the deal on a used IM AIO 50 gal. Let's just say it most definitely was not in the plans or budget to upgrade any time soon. So this will be my tank build and journey of turning this into a beautiful display for everyone to enjoy.

  • Mixed Reef Tank - Mostly softies and LPS. Eventually SPS too, but not until my anxiety and husbandry is ready.
  • Fish that serve as eye candy and serve a function to the overall health and benefit of the coral.
  • A system that can operate and thrive without the need for daily interaction (vacation planning). I prefer daily interaction but would like to have less stress when I'm away. I'm not sure how many days I can go without the need to have someone give care.
  • Setup Refugium
  • ATO - Looking at various options atm
  • Controllers and dosers - Neptune? Apex? Quantum? Unknown which system I want to roll with.
  • Higher quality lights
Tank & Misc. Equipment:
Innovative Marine Nuvo Fusion Mini 50 gallon Lagoon - Model 0605 - 30"x24"x16"
Return Pump - Orlushy DC-5000
IM Auqa Gadget Spin Stream Nozzles
Inkbird WiFi ITC-308
MarineLand 200W
EcoTech Marine MP10 Wavemaker
IceCap K1000
JBJ ATO - thank you @MarcosDelgado0 !
Jeboa Doser - thanks @Matthew Meyer

1x NICREW HyperReef 150W w/ Controller
Had 2 but one died

AIO w/ 3 chambers. Dual overflows into "In-Tank" baskets w/ 30ppi sponge, Filter Floss, Carbon or similar, biomedia

Kalkwasser on doser
All for Reef manually

Too many to list


Mantis shrimp
Snails: turbo, trochus, bumblebee, astrea

Will update this post as equipment and livestock changes.
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On its way to a new home!

Finally got furniture moved around last night. I have it where it's going to live from now on. This will be on display in our front entry room. Originally, it was going to go in our bedroom, but my wife wanted everyone to be able to enjoy it. So it truly will be a display tank which makes me thrilled!

This has been a favorite spot for most of the year since I setup the 100gal Mbuna cichlid tank. Now, it will be even better! A few minor adjustments are needed before I can start filling it though. Getting rid of the ugly cluttered lamp and moving the tank over a few more inches.

Then I have a crappy wiring scenario I need to remedy with a switch thats connected to the outlet that will power this! Yikes!

My current solution...tape! Haaa haaaa. I wish I would have taken care of this years ago. Unfortunately, I attempted to rewire this and after opening everything up and seeing all the wires from the 40s, my anxiety skyrocketed.

Any experts out there willing to give me advice please?!
How exciting!

IMO I’d just find an electrician to take a look at the switch - that’s an easy cheap fix. But they can also see what else is on that circuit and/or let you know if there’s enough amperage and such (if you don’t already know). I had an electrician put my tank on a dedicated circuit with fresh GFCI outlets and it’s been nice peace of mind.

I really like the Hydros controllers - I can share a lot more detail if you’re interested when the time comes. There are a lot of Neptune apex fans out there, but the hardware seems really cheap and frankly I think their software is kind of dated at this point, too - but it’s more powerful at the very fringes of advanced automation, apparently.

That being said, I’m a huge fan of KISS after my first couple starts, and like you I upgraded quickly early in my journey. I’d skip a controller altogether for a while and just manage the tank manually! You won’t need to dose anything for some time if you plan to do water changes, which will be easy with a small tank.

Are you planning to source some live rock? I’d highly recommend it!
Second what Derek said, I would get a clean, established live rock piece from someone local (I think @H2OPlayar might be taking some down from his tank in the next few months) and wouldn't buy new dry rock since everyone in the club likely has some sitting around in their backyard. For lights, almost everyone here has some used Radions they can sell you too. But that one you have might be fine for your purposes for awhile. Skimmer is an option for a future upgrade, maybe check @FullerReef's tank journal since he's got the same tank setup.
IMO I’d just find an electrician to take a look at the switch - that’s an easy cheap fix. But they can also see what else is on that circuit and/or let you know if there’s enough amperage and such (if you don’t already know). I had an electrician put my tank on a dedicated circuit with fresh GFCI outlets and it’s been nice peace of mind.
Thankfully, a good buddy of mine is an electrician! Unfortunately, we are entering the Holiday season and he is slammed. But you are right about getting a dedicated circuit. I hadn't thought of that. I do have enough amperage on the current circuit, but a dedicated one would still be nice.

I really like the Hydros controllers - I can share a lot more detail if you’re interested when the time comes.
Excellent! Definitely interested. Not as familiar with them, but will look into them. I don't have an opinion on any of them. Ignorance is bliss!
I’d skip a controller altogether for a while and just manage the tank manually! You won’t need to dose anything for some time if you plan to do water changes, which will be easy with a small tank.
That's exactly my plan. I enjoy water changes, knowing fresh water will replenish most of my needs. I'll be testing to continue to understand my husbandry, but thus far, I haven't worried much about my little Fluval tank. My water changes have kept everything stable. The corals appear happy.
Are you planning to source some live rock? I’d highly recommend it!
I recently picked up another tank which was full of rock. Unfortunately, it's only been stored in a tote with saltwater. Buy I haven't had any aeration or heat going in the tub. It's been over a week now. Thoughts on its usefulness as "live" rock or should I rinse it all off with fresh saltwater and use it as if it's not live?

But I have more than enough rock to scape this tank. It's a mix of various rock types though. I need to get it all out and start putting together to see how it looks.
^ solid advice. Don’t be spendy. Learn the basics and master them. If you want to be in this hobby for a long time.
This hobby will suck up all your extra money if you let it.
Indeed! I've been trying to be careful. Most everything I have comes second hand. Other than sand and a few items here and there. You are right though, I've already spent far more than I was expecting! The BRS black Friday sucked me dry of a few things. New heater since I'm not fond of used ones. New diy screen top...I hope it turns out good because I couldn't afford to spend close to $200 for one from Kraken or TopLids.
Second what Derek said, I would get a clean, established live rock piece from someone local (I think @H2OPlayar might be taking some down from his tank in the next few months) and wouldn't buy new dry rock since everyone in the club likely has some sitting around in their backyard. For lights, almost everyone here has some used Radions they can sell you too. But that one you have might be fine for your purposes for awhile. Skimmer is an option for a future upgrade, maybe check @FullerReef's tank journal since he's got the same tank setup.
Sounds good. Thanks for all the suggestions.

I do have quite a bit of rock from another recent purchase. I'll try and get some pics tomorrow and get everyone's opinions about using it and putting together a rockscape.
I think that live rock that’s been sitting unheated probably has most of the good bacteria you really want, even if any of the fun “life” has likely died off in the cooler temps. Nobody really knows or understand exactly WHY live rock works so well, but it’s believed it’s related to bacteria and that bacteria mostly survives or goes dormant even during long periods of cooler temps as long as it’s kept wet.

Perhaps some smarter folks will chime in, but I believe the above is our general understanding of these things. I think it still makes sense to get some live rocks from an active tank too, though you’ll find people consider them very valuable! I’d be happy to give you a chunk as would many members here. The sponge and pods and worms and all that good stuff will help and your current live rock probably lacks much of that if it’s been sitting for a bit.
On its way to a new home!
View attachment 50974

Finally got furniture moved around last night. I have it where it's going to live from now on. This will be on display in our front entry room. Originally, it was going to go in our bedroom, but my wife wanted everyone to be able to enjoy it. So it truly will be a display tank which makes me thrilled!
View attachment 50975
This has been a favorite spot for most of the year since I setup the 100gal Mbuna cichlid tank. Now, it will be even better! A few minor adjustments are needed before I can start filling it though. Getting rid of the ugly cluttered lamp and moving the tank over a few more inches.
View attachment 50976
Then I have a crappy wiring scenario I need to remedy with a switch thats connected to the outlet that will power this! Yikes!
View attachment 50977
My current solution...tape! Haaa haaaa. I wish I would have taken care of this years ago. Unfortunately, I attempted to rewire this and after opening everything up and seeing all the wires from the 40s, my anxiety skyrocketed.

Any experts out there willing to give me advice please?!
For the switch, here's what I would do.

1. Get a wall switch blank from big box store.
2. Get indoor wire nuts from same store.
3. Flip the breaker so your power is off.
4. Don't skip step three!!!
5. Take the panel off the wall
6. Remove the switch from the 2 gang switch box
7. Put wire nuts on each wire that comes off the switch.
8. Close the panel back up with the blank in place.
9. Turn the power on and smell for burning in case you messed up step seven.
get some live rocks from an active tank too, though you’ll find people consider them very valuable!
I could pull a rock out of my small fluval for a bit I suppose. The rock that is in the bin right now, came out of an active running tank last week. Is it too late for it to be considered live rock?

I’d be happy to give you a chunk as would many members here.
That's awesome. Thank you. I won't be going up north any time soon though unfortunately. If I do for some reason, I'll send a post out to see if anyone has anything available. Thanks for the suggestion.
google fishless cycle. Basically it’s just adding ammonia into the saltwater with a micro culture starter. Another option is just throw in a raw shrimp. That takes a little bit longer. If you’re not in a rush. It works.
google fishless cycle. Basically it’s just adding ammonia into the saltwater with a micro culture starter. Another option is just throw in a raw shrimp. That takes a little bit longer. If you’re not in a rush. It works.
Yes. I did a small ammonia dosage to my fluval and had some biomedia and rocks from a mature tank I threw in. That got my cycle going fast with my little tank.
For the switch, here's what I would do.

1. Get a wall switch blank from big box store.
2. Get indoor wire nuts from same store.
3. Flip the breaker so your power is off.
4. Don't skip step three!!!
5. Take the panel off the wall
6. Remove the switch from the 2 gang switch box
7. Put wire nuts on each wire that comes off the switch.
8. Close the panel back up with the blank in place.
9. Turn the power on and smell for burning in case you messed up step seven.
I was considering doing exactly that! I saw the blank and in my head, I actually said, you should just get that and call it a day. I think I'll do that this weekend.
Instead of wasting water, I utilized the water from my mbuna water change! Anyway, it's been a few hours and zero signs of leaks! Going to keep it filled for a few days just to be sure.

Here are the rocks I recently got from a different tank/equipment purchase. It's a mashup of different types. Most of it has been under water for a week. It was quite cold and without flow, so who knows how alive any beneficial bacteria is at this point. It didn't stink when I opened the container though, so I'm not sure if that's a good sign or not.

What would be the best method/product to put some of these together to make a larger scape? I know these aren't the nicest rocks, but I really would rather not spend funds on rocks right now. I feel like I need to make these work.

Here's more rock that was not used by the previous keeper but kept dry. I decided to throw it in with the other rocks, put in a heater, and a pump. All submerged now.

I picked up 2 bags of each for a great price recently. I was originally going to use this in my african cichlid tank, but was thinking of using these for this tank instead now. Does anyone have any commentary for or against these? I also have a 5 gallon bucket filled with some very course sand with aragonite and coral chunks.
I think you have great rock. Just get creative.
Thanks. Yes, creativity will be needed for sure. I'm trying to figure out a design in my head. What are some things I need to worry about regarding spacing and flow around the rocks though? What is considered ok for spacing for the rocks near the back? As long as they aren't touching right? I want it to look awesome but I don't want to muck it.up, since I'd like to make a few bigger pieces and bond them together.

Speaking of bonding them. Any specific way or product you've like to use that's easy and strong? I tried the Instant Ocean epoxy and I feel like it's simply not good enough for larger structures. It barely worked when I tried bonding just two small rocks together. I went through most of one stick just to try and get it to work! Haaa haaa.
I use JB Waterweld and then just super glue some sand around the epoxy to blend it in. I am terrible with gluing frags to rocks. I lose like 50% of my corals because my snails dislodge them and fall behind the rockwork.