Neptune Aquatics

DeFarts' IM 50gal Lagoon Journey

More fish fine, not more clowns.
Gotcha. Yeah, I'm fairly certain we will end up with some clowns. I'm not sure which type we'll end up getting. Do you all think it would be a good idea to try and keep an anemone in this tank? I want a mixed reef tank, but I like the idea of having clowns and the chance they might host an anemone. I know it's not as easy as it sounds to do, but just wondering if even having an anemone in this tank would be a good idea.
I don’t feel like anemones have a place in a reef tank, but many disagree. They move, they split, they split and then they move, and the STING!
It’s cool to see clowns snuggle in them, but clowns don’t need them by any means, and they will kill other corals. Not if, when.
That risk/reward is up to each individual.
Not if, when.
That risk/reward is up to each individual.
I think that's what I needed to hear. Doesn't sound like something I want to deal with. Thank you.

I'll be heading up to SF tomorrow. I was hoping to try and make a trip to High Tide since we'll be close*ish. Maybe I can get my first coral and/or fish for the tank tomorrow?!
A lot of updates on the tank...and some headaches. Hastily making progress is not always progress!

A couple lessons I learned this week. Waiting to add sand, even if it's "live" sand to boost the cycling, can wait until AFTER the rockscape is complete. Urgh...that was a foolish mistake. Ended up pulling out most of the sand so that I can lay my foundation pieces down on the glass.
Made scaping and seeing a tad bit difficult.

A few of the progress shots.
I may have posted this image before but this was only a handful of the rocks I had in the tank so they can cycle the tank. I'm using this as a "before". Nothing was bonded. Just laying on the sand and on top of each other. I think some may like this look better than the after shots.

After a week of indecision and what I wanted the scape to look like, I decided to let my creativity just have its way and figure it out as I go. I knew I would end up frustrated and angry if I couldn't pull off "my vision". So I went with the flow and let the design form itself.




I went through many tubes of superglue and almost 2 fulls sticks of the Instant Ocean white putty. I capped it off with doing cover ups of the putty bonding areas. I used other small rubble to hide the bonds and/or used some of the pink putty to create the start of the coralline algae. I know it's not great looking now, but I'm hopeful that it will eventually all be looking uniform and mature.

Max pics reached...
Updates cont'd.
Still moving things around. The two side pieces and middle back piece are attached to flat foundation rocks sitting on the glass. The rest are resting in or on the sand.
Right side view

Left side view - This is where I'm thinking of having the placement for the MP10. Thoughts?

The single MP10 on its own at full tilt, in the wrong spot, kicks up a lot of sand. The unfortunate side to smaller grains found in the Fiji Pink. In this spot, I'm getting quite a bit of movement on the upper rocks and it kicks up a good amount of loose sand bits that have settled on the rocks from me or when I had the pump in the wrong spot.

I have a large Jebao wavemaker left to install but I am not sure where. I also have a small Hygger pump I could install if needed to help move detritus from the back region. My preference would be to have all MP10s. I really don't want a bunch of cables coming out of the tank. I really like the sleek magnetic heads.


Next up is getting the DIY lid completed. Install the power strip and do some controller and cable management. ATO plumbed in.


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Yesterday, I also had the privilege of meeting @under_water_ninja at High Tide! Thanks for being a sponsor for this community. I'm stoked that I was able to get the first coral for this tank from you! Pics of them incoming. I'm really looking forward to making the trip up to pick out more corals, inverts, and eventually some fish too. I really hope I'm able to add one of these.

Here's another update on this tank I just found out about today. I saw a pistol shrimp. And an another unknown invert that almost looks like a crab. Unable to get a good image for ID. I'm going to try and feed the tank a small amount to see if I can get them to come out. But, pistol shrimp are not reef safe correct? Am I screwed? Do I take all the rocks out and try to get him out? He's about 1-1.5" long from what I was able to see. Thoughts everyone?
Don't worry about the shrimp, you'll just hear some clicking noises here and there, not a hazard really. The crab you can always catch later on with a bottle trap or tongs.

The only piece that doesn't quite fit is the big white elephant foot rock. I'd put it horizontal somewhere maybe.

As for the MP10, I'd keep it as high as possible without drawing a vortex from the surface, slightly front biased so it flows across the rocks and won't blast corals directly. You can have the Jebao on the other side aimed behind the rocks. Then I'd angle the returns toward the surface to increase agitation.

Try to envision where your fish would be able to hide too. Think of swim throughs, caves, places with no vision from the front, etc.

Great start so far!
I’d also add that you may want to move the front, low rocks a little further from the glass, assuming you’ll want to be cleaning it. At least from the pics, it looks like a scraper magnet won’t fit.

Remember to account for coral growth also and leave a few inches!
The only piece that doesn't quite fit is the big white elephant foot rock. I'd put it horizontal somewhere maybe.
Yeah, I hadnt placed that one where I wanted it. I found a couple pieces that had broken off it though. Glued them together and turned them into more horizontal surface area. I think this looks much better. Thoughts?

Here's an angle of where I have the MP10. The crooked cord is making me nauseated...making adjustment...

I’d also add that you may want to move the front, low rocks a little further from the glass, assuming you’ll want to be cleaning it. At least from the pics, it looks like a scraper magnet won’t fit.

Remember to account for coral growth also and leave a few inches!
They're not close. Floating magnet cleaner clears it with room to spare all the way around. I think the angles of the pics make it hard to see. There are a couple spots up higher that are a tighter squeeze if I needed to get my hands in there, but the cleaner gets through just fine.
I would go mp10(s) on the back wall
It's a AIO. Can't put them in the back.
Try to envision where your fish would be able to hide too. Think of swim throughs, caves, places with no vision from the front, etc.
Ive got lots of swim throughs and caves I think. Here's a couple more pics. Ouch...look at the scratch. :( It's was a great deal and I'm going to try and learn to ignore it. LOL

Last night I installed two return pumps to increase the flow and give me the ability to use the dual nozzles on each side. The increased flow allows me to use the rotating nozzles on each head also. Each one hits the surface so there is quite a bit of agitation and turbulence. With the increased flow, I'm getting a lot more water pouring into the pump chamber causing air bubbles. Currently stopped it by adding some course sponge near the overflow of the 2nd chambers.

Great start so far!
Well this happens fast! Geeez! This was not noticeable yesterday.
Time for more copepods I'm assuming.

How about adding a couple snails now to help with the diatoms? Or just ignore it and let it ride?