Cali Kid Corals

Differences between RO water and DI water


Here are a few numbers from 2006

Ground water
Ca 65-108 ppm
Mg 14-31ppm
Alk 188-250 ppm (as CaCO3)
Hardness 250-398 (as CaCO3)
TDS 604-860 ppm

Surface water
Ca 31-43 ppm
Mg 13-20 ppm
Alk 71-84 ppm (as CaCO3)
Hardness 134-185 (as CaCO3)
TDS 307-458 ppm
when I was at school back northeast our water would smell like fish for week in the spring because the water in the reservoir would turn over right after ice out. I guess the thermalcline brings up a bunch of decaying matter and it stinks the water.
I've heard of that before. I'll tell you what, that water I had in Dallas a few weeks ago tasted like pure mud :(
Luckily for me I get lab grade DI water for free. When the place you work at makes 200GPM of DI water, 10Gal a week is nothing to them. Hell there have been times when people weren't paying attention and have dumped thousand's of gallons of water into our catch basin.
As a kid growing up in Northwest Arkansas we had only well water until I was almost 16. It smelled like rotten eggs (strong sulfer smell). We got use to it though and drank it like there was nothing wrong with it. After getting hooked up on city water we still used well water for needs around the property. Every once in a while I would forget how bad it was and take a swig from a hose or something.... MAN that stuff was bad..... don't know how I ever got use to it. Now here in MH the water taste like I've got a ball of aluminum foil in my cup. :)
We just went to surface water, 140ppm tds which is much better than the 220ppm tds than I was getting before. Our surface water tastes like mud though.

Around these parts we use DI to clean up after RO if there's not enough pressure, we get insane TDS levels on the coast (especially in Moss Beach).
So if I was interested in getting a unit to purify my tap water so I can use it for my tank and stop making weekly trips to the local Whole Foods, what do I need? Would an RO unit suffice? Someone is selling this one on RC:

Just want to know if you absolutely have to have RO/DI water or not. And would a unit like this be able to be hidden under the kitchen sink while still maintaining ease of use? Sorry I'm new to these things!
This is what I have and ahve been extremely happy with it (Bar gets a 10% or free shipping discount..I forget)

It might be a bit big for under the sink, but these are made for under the sink

They come as kits and have everything you need to get it running with little hassle. The only variation is if you connect through a different means. The kit comes with a "splice" which mechanically pierces your water line to make a connection.
I use mine on the washer supply line, so I used
Thanks for the quick response Tony! That stuff looks great. I'll have to look over those products.

So is it vital to have RO/DI water? Or is RO sufficient. I'm sure it's probably ultimately up to the reefer but I'm just curious if you have to have RO/DI water to maintain an sps tank for example or if people successfully use just RO water.
I just got the Typhoon III exteme and I have to say it's the best damn RO/DI I have ever seen and or used. I got the 150 GPD unit, and it's wonderful to be able to make enough water to refill my entire set-up in 1 day if needed
Spectapure claims it has a unit that makes 2 gallons for 1 gallon waste.
And my corals do fine with tap water, Alpha water conditioner and Seachem reef salt. I used to use Prime but the Alpha is cheaper. My water comes from the Orinda source which is the same as Oakland and Berkeley. HTH
bookfish said:
Spectapure claims it has a unit that makes 2 gallons for 1 gallon waste.
And my corals do fine with tap water, Alpha water conditioner and Seachem reef salt. I used to use Prime but the Alpha is cheaper. My water comes from the Orinda source which is the same as Oakland and Berkeley. HTH


religious water changes and good quality salt = no need for RO/DI or dosing for me, sure simplified my life :)
Checked the water at my friends house in Berkeley today and the TDS was 170, understood it isn't the same at all berkeley locations nor even every location within the same house but thought I would report what we found.
Here what I know about the difference between them.

RO-Reverse Osmosis is basic filter water that remove chlorine and dirty water through several carbon filters. It usually best process at least two types of microns such as 10 and 5m microns. However, RO leaves mineral trace, which you can taste.

DI-Deionization filter the purest water, leaving no minerals, trace such measure in total dissolve substance. It is filter through a special membrane that collects every substance.

That's what I know about RO and DI.