
Dissolved Oxygen Test Recommendations?

If you want to do it at all over time, forget a "test kit" and get a meter. Anyone testing DO that wants to do more then a few readings will have a DO meter. The PinPoint one if fine enough, we use it for rough readings.
Thanks for the recommendation. I thought it might be interesting to test DO in select scenarios such as fish shipping bags and crowded fish-only tanks, just to establish some datapoints for my own reference. A monitor may be a bit overkill for this purpose.
The PinPoint is about $230 and can deliver thousands of tests allowing you to do multiple tests on the same water and average them... I always take multiple readings and average them.

The thing with DO is its very much pegged to temperature. I'm not sure the test kits take that into account, and I do know most color points of the kits on the market are hard to determine.
BAYMAC said:
... and I do know most color points of the kits on the market are hard to determine.

Get married and you will never have to read your own test kits again! :D The missus has a knack for distinguishing between shades such as salmon, coral, persimmon, etc., at a glance.
The electrode-based systems need to be calibrated periodically, and are sensitive to both temperature and salinity.

We use 2% sodium sulfite to make water that has 0% oxygen, and water that is vigorously bubbled as the 100% saturation standard.
lattehiatus said:
BAYMAC said:
... and I do know most color points of the kits on the market are hard to determine.

Get married and you will never have to read your own test kits again! :D The missus has a knack for distinguishing between shades such as salmon, coral, persimmon, etc., at a glance.

I fail to see how me getting married would help my job in any manor of testing :lol: I cannot even bring family members to work :(
I hate the color comparison tests! My wife and I go out into the sun, discuss the colors, and then 'take a guess'. I know how hard it is to accurately print color, how fast color inks can change and thus have very little faith in the tests.

At least that's my reason for doing minimum testing, and I'm sticking to it! :)
Crabby said:
The electrode-based systems need to be calibrated periodically, and are sensitive to both temperature and salinity.

We use 2% sodium sulfite to make water that has 0% oxygen, and water that is vigorously bubbled as the 100% saturation standard.

The funny thing is, we have booth uber costly DO meters and PinPoints. The PinPoints hold the calibration better than our really costly ones, but of course they don't read to the same accuracy. For what he's doing, and what we use the PinPoint for, it would be fine with just atmospheric calibration:

Turn the O2 calibration screw #3-5 so that the display will read 20.9 This is the percentage of Oxygen in our atmosphere and is widely considered to be a highly accurate calibration procedure.
aqua-nut said:
I hate the color comparison tests! My wife and I go out into the sun, discuss the colors, and then 'take a guess'. I know how hard it is to accurately print color, how fast color inks can change and thus have very little faith in the tests.

At least that's my reason for doing minimum testing, and I'm sticking to it! :)

I used to fight that one... that inks fade rather quickly... I fought getting a new Pantone set (~$400 for my old set IIRC) for four years, but now I see why a yearly update is done by people needing truly accurate color. I folded last year and got two updates, but not the full kit like last time.

I never made that connection to test kits, dang, your right. Just another reason to buy from places that have high turn over in such items... less shelf time for color fades, not to mention reagents.

Pantone, now we are REALLY talking color!

I just used an ammonia test kit. The chart is such I can see a difference between none and the first level of some. The second level of some is exactly like the first level! Might as well be a got/no got test. :)

Every time I test I think of Dirty Harry, "Do you feel lucky, punk?"
Try being color blind like numerous BAR members.... that has to suck, though I do like being asked what color corals are... OMG its bright pink with neon green streaks and blue highlights.... Nah, its just brown.