Cali Kid Corals

Dragon's Tongue Algae (Heymenia)

Erin passed this off to me at one of my first BAR meetings. It has grown well both in my refugium and in the main tank. It does fade out in bright light. As if my PC lighting could ever be called bright. I could bring some to several people at the May BOD meeting, or you could pick up here in Berkeley. Let me know if you would like a BOD pass off, so I can make up containers.

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Cool macro algae! I wouldn't mind trying some of this stuff out. I'd like to put some macroalgae in the bottom of my frag tank/sump. I won't be able to make the BOD meeting because of a wedding but I live in SF close to the bay bridge and can easily go to Berkeley during a weeknight--after traffic has died down of course!