Cali Kid Corals

Eight's "Permafrost Archohelia Rediviva"

Sorry I didn't see this update earlier, the coral continues to eat like a monster. 3 time a week of mysis, cyclops, brineshrimp.
I haven't noticed any growth at all, and I have been watching it very close.
The frag you gave me was big enough though that i split it in half and am bringing a frag to the meeting for Rich.
Hey Chris, could you update this thread? Wondering if the frag was passed off to Rich or if you still have it...

I'm constantly being asked to make more frags by random people on the forums, but it doesn't grow fast enough to really frag.
Yes it was passed to Rich. In fact two were passed, one for me and one for Rich. Rich took both and one perished as it didn't look so hot to begin with.
Mmmmmaybe you should wait for Rich since I am not Rich and I do not speak for Rich :)
No more room for acros but I'd sure find room for a frag of this little beauty near my dendros, duncans and sun coral................just in case it ends up back in the DBTC mix :bigsmile: Also, what is that lovely branching coral to the left of the main colony with red branches and white polyps? It's a beauty!

PS Jason, what camera/lens combo did that incredible macro shot of polyps?
screebo said:
what is that lovely branching coral to the left of the main colony with red branches and white

That is a rather common gorgonian... Diodogorgia nodulifera from the looks of it. Non photosynthetic Atlantic species
I was going to say, turn your head right and take a look at the rock for one of it's cousins :lol:

You should be able to find one of those locally. They come in both bright yellow and red :)
Gomer said:
1 died, rich has the one left. gresh does not. It's posted a few up :)

That's waht I thought but I also said we should wait for Rich to chime in :) I'm not exactly all that clear on what the deal is. I just know I forgot my frag at his house, as usual :( Between he and Jim, you could probably make a whole tank devoted to the corals I forgot with them :lol:
sorry, I guess I should read a little more before asking.
the frags I passed had not grown at all, this is one VERY slow growing coral. I no longer have it and hope Rich can do better then I.