Cali Kid Corals

Finger infection

Well, I hope is not that but if needed then I have to see a doctor tomorrow.
I got my hands in the tank that the heather went bad, I had a small cut on one of my fingers and did not wear a glove even that the box was close to me; guess it was the rush of the moment to deal with the tank. I have swollen fingers, one where the cut is/was started with a small blister like bump and yesterday it swell so bad I could not sleep due to the pain that felt like when someone hits a fingernail with a hammer (been there), all the way to my elbow I can feel the pain but only my finger hurts like hell, I can even feel every beat of my heart on the tip of my finger.
Hmm...Dr sounds good. Blisters usually form when there's a toxin/something that shouldn't be there so it'd be good to get that out of you ASAP...Esp. if the pain is that bad.... Listen to your body
If you haven't gone to the Doctor or ER, please go now, NOW and be sure to tell them about your tank and that they might want to check for Mycobacterium marinum, even though it doesn't sound like it is myco.
Yikes man, hopefully you heeded the advice of people here and already are at the docs. I've had my share of scares, the first was getting poked in the hand (stupid vermetid snails), hand got red, it hurt, didn't do squat, went to bed had it elevated... next day my hand looked like a boxing glove it got that swollen, stupid man me still didn't go to the doc, got to work, luckily there was someone from the biology department who told me I should be going to the ER that second and then I did go.
I hope you got your ass to the ER last night Mario, the prospect of loosing a body part is not something you want to live through believe me..
Thales said:
If you haven't gone to the Doctor or ER, please go now, NOW and be sure to tell them about your tank and that they might want to check for Mycobacterium marinum, even though it doesn't sound like it is myco.

That and Vibrio. I kinda suspect a vribrio infection. Neither are something to wait on going to the ER/DR for!
Yep, bacteria into a cut. Our tanks are teeming with ickies. We are pretty sure it happens all the time, mostly the body fights it off before it becomes a problem, but sometimes there is a minor infection, a severe infection, or a nasty infection. Not being able to sleep due to pain should equal right to the hospital. Myco is a weird one, and usually presents as hard bumps. What Mario seems to have is something fast and wicked. I sure hope he is alright.
Continuing this serious note: Perhaps I should consider exercising a little more caution with MY tank maintenance, I've had an arm in the tank daily, without any protection for a couple decades. When I clean algae from the back glass and my upper arm grazes coral including SPS and some LPS such as hammes from time to time. As yet, I've never noticed any infection of skin breaks or irritation of sensitive skin. Question: Is it worth considering adopting a new respect for potential hazard of having my "bare arm" in the tank? :glasses:
screebo said:
Continuing this serious note: Perhaps I should consider exercising a little more caution with MY tank maintenance, I've had an arm in the tank daily, without any protection for a couple decades. When I clean algae from the back glass and my upper arm grazes coral including SPS and some LPS such as hammes from time to time. As yet, I've never noticed any infection of skin breaks or irritation of sensitive skin. Question: Is it worth considering adopting a new respect for potential hazard of having my "bare arm" in the tank? :glasses:

I think it's just something to be aware of...If you have an open cut, use an arm length glove. I usually wear thick rubber gloves when playing with the rocks because they're pretty sharp. Putting on arm length gloves every time you dive into your tank...Unlikely =
I wear triple thick latex gloves when I work in my tank. Sometimes I do forget or get lazy and I normally pay for it. I get an allergic reaction pretty much anything that can sting in the tank.
I'm in the same boat as Ian AFA reactions to corals, if I so much as brush a Euphylliad with the underside of my forearm it's going to be like I got poison oak. I've also had a few nasty infections where I wound up in ER, call me crazy for not wearing gloves, but without a doubt I have changed how I approach servicing tanks and that has kept me out of trouble for years.
I really hope this advice is moot, since he has been/returned.

In cases like this, urgent care clinic might be a better bet.
- Very often faster than a busy big city ER.
- Less stressed out docs, so they listen to the fact that you have a reef tank, and will diagnose better.
- Plus, cheaper, less insurance hassles.
- Usually next to an ER anyway, if all goes to hell.

And in many cases - no mind set issues.
I am reluctant to go to ER as well, but don't feel bad about urgent care clinic.
rygh said:
I really hope this advice is moot, since he has been/returned.

In cases like this, urgent care clinic might be a better bet.
- Very often faster than a busy big city ER.
- Less stressed out docs, so they listen to the fact that you have a reef tank, and will diagnose better.
- Plus, cheaper, less insurance hassles.
- Usually next to an ER anyway, if all goes to hell.

And in many cases - no mind set issues.
I am reluctant to go to ER as well, but don't feel bad about urgent care clinic.

