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FREE 24' LPS Growout Contest - Dragon Soul Favia

Are you IN or OUT?!

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Here is my October picture, no more exposed skeleton and nice round formed flesh.
Side view pic looks pretty much the same so here’s a top down progress shot. The mini head on the far right got eaten by amphipods, but it looks like there is another head growing at the top left now - addition by subtraction I guess. No other corals have been affected by the amphipods so far, so I’ll refrain from attempting to nuke them for now (they swarm everything as soon as the lights are off).

Favia May Oct Nov.jpg
Looking through the posts...it appears these are the only folks still in it:
@dangalang , @Darkxerox , @derek_SR , @JVU ,
@Klems , @Reservetank

Please post your last picture update here within the next couple weeks. I will put together a collage of your images, unless you want to do that yourself. That would be appreciated. Then we will judge for the winner.

If anyone would like to bow out at this time, now is the time to do that.

Special thanks to @dangalang , @Darkxerox , and @Klems for being the most consistent with providing picture updates. Only one month missed between the three of them! That's awesome. Thank you!
Looking through the posts...it appears these are the only folks still in it:
@dangalang , @Darkxerox , @derek_SR , @JVU ,
@Klems , @Reservetank

Please post your last picture update here within the next couple weeks. I will put together a collage of your images, unless you want to do that yourself. That would be appreciated. Then we will judge for the winner.

If anyone would like to bow out at this time, now is the time to do that.

Special thanks to @dangalang , @Darkxerox , and @Klems for being the most consistent with providing picture updates. Only one month missed between the three of them! That's awesome. Thank you!

I will also bow out. Mine is still alive but I despise it.

I'm also not beating @dangalang or @Klems .


It's a slow battle with the algae around the edges.
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