Reef nutrition

Gimmito's 450 gal L-shaped tank

xcaret said:
Hey, a bass boat would look cool in the fish room !!!

I'll be in San Bruno Park the last Saturday, I'll bring over the UV unit.

That's food for thought !

I meant to shoot you a pm regarding the uv sterilizer...I scored one already.

Thanks though !

sfsuphysics said:
Good god, 3 different supplements added, via a dosing pump, that are stored inside of a mini-fridge? Man'o'man talk about crazy overkill! :D

Not at all. It's pretty much the only way to get many of those to grow intensely unless you want to be dosing a snot load of the time :lol:

gimmito said:
rygh said:
I am much more into the fish than the corals. And may not do many hard corals at all.

Checkout this NPS coral tank of the's insane :exmark:


Fixed it for you... it's a NPS tank :)
:glasses: :D :p


What do you think of using acrylic boxes as a base to attach live rock ? I think Montery Aquarium used some of them for their displays ?

I would use something more open then that, they sound like they'll inhibit flow :( That FRP grate Matt mentioned seems like the best method.... something like this:
I was thinking of a big triangular box in the center myself.
A bit hard to explain without a drawing though.

But they key thing: I was going to have on of the returns driving it, and drill lots of little holes.
So basically, water comes up and out from under the live rock.
No need for a drawing, I get the basci concept ;)

Better like every fish you ever put in there if your going to give them such a awesome hiding place (ditto with the FRP eggcrate/grating) :lol:
There are not enough spaces for the amount of $$$ I want to post... It's not cheap by any stretch. A sawzal and a behind the scenes at a certain aquarium might be the only way I ever get my hands on it :lol:
My theory was a solid acrylic box, with emphasis on "small" holes. Like 1/4".
Plus I was thinking of mounting about 3" pieces of live rock on 1/2" acrylic rods,
and drilling holes for those rods in the box. So you get virtual frag mounts.

As far as netting a fish -- well.
Lets see, a 450g system, with lots of live rock, coral, and great hiding places.
Then you add another big hiding place.
So the odds go from zero, to zero/2. ;)
It takes skill but it can be done. I routinely had to capture fish from a 680g filled with live rock that was epoxied in... and the tank was 4' deep :( caught them every time though.

CAS just got some fish out of their 200,000g tank :lol:
If I can't catch it, I rely on the Matt-o-matic fish trap. Dude was born with a net in hand!!
rygh said:
I was thinking of a big triangular box in the center myself.
A bit hard to explain without a drawing though.

But they key thing: I was going to have on of the returns driving it, and drill lots of little holes.
So basically, water comes up and out from under the live rock.


Ask Gen for the ones I was going to buy from him...I think they just might work out for you.



I picked up a panasonic whisper quite fan from House of Fans in the city to keep the hood area cool (I know Mike has a crack coming). I'm going to use a temperature controller I bought off Jon to kick on once it hits a presetted temp.
Nice fan. Wish I had seen that before starting a DIY version.
I plan on putting the fan on the outside, sucking are through the ducts. Not as efficient, but zero noise.

I may see what Gen has as far as those boxes.

No protein skimmer for me. Well, except an old small one for emergencies.
sfboarders said:
Our contractor installed that fan in our bathroom remodel. That thing is super quiet and can suck some air out. Good buy!

I have 4 of them throughout the house and love how quite they are also. There's only one that's a bit noisy and I believe it's how it's ducted...hard turns tends to make it that way.
rygh said:
Nice fan. Wish I had seen that before starting a DIY version.
I plan on putting the fan on the outside, sucking are through the ducts. Not as efficient, but zero noise.

I may see what Gen has as far as those boxes.

No protein skimmer for me. Well, except an old small one for emergencies.

Atleast you're putting one in...that's foresight.

I talked to Gen today regarding my fuge/lids for the qt and light racks. Apperently he's still hard at work on your tank !

I take it you're going with the small bio-load and weekly water changes route ? Hey, you and Arnold (Apon) can start a skimmerless tank club...LOL.