Reef nutrition

Gimmito's 450 gal L-shaped tank


I have one already, but it can't hurt to have an extra one. Ed mentioned he'll bring the check valve when I pickup the H&S A250 skimmer.

Did you ever get your led lights ?


gimmito said:
Good idea Jon, better to keep the fish room a little cooler than hotter. Thanks again for the temp controller works great and was a breeze to install (just like a regular switch). ;)
After a while you will find the" sweet spot" for your tank temp where your heater and or fan is not cycling so much. I ran a Kill-a-watt meter on my heater to find out how much it was coming on(almost never).
Obviously heating a large tank can be expensive so I'm guessing you will want to keep it on the cool side.

What kind of heater are you using by the way ? I was looking into (2) titanium 500 watt heaters. One in the display and the other in the sump
JAR said:
Obviously heating a large tank can be expensive so I'm guessing you will want to keep it on the cool side.
Any opinions on what the low end can be as far as temp, and still have most of your typical corals grow well?
rygh said:
JAR said:
Obviously heating a large tank can be expensive so I'm guessing you will want to keep it on the cool side.
Any opinions on what the low end can be as far as temp, and still have most of your typical corals grow well?

It depends on what type of corals you will be keeping. I know some aquarists who keep there tanks in the lower 70's b/c they have for example deep water angel fish. The colors are there, but growth is slow. Note a bad problem to have down the line unless you like pruning them back all the time. :bigsmile:
I need to double check a lab thermometer vs my temp probe, but my tank typically hovers in the 76 range. Too much surface area and electricity is too expensive (FOR NOW!) for me to waste too much energy that just will end up getting evaporated away.
gimmito said:

What kind of heater are you using by the way ? I was looking into (2) titanium 500 watt heaters. One in the display and the other in the sump
I have 2 titanium heaters in the sump. I think they are 300w ea but no matter they almost never turn on.
I used to have one in the tank but by removing it from the tank I have eliminated all wires going in to the display.
Won is the brand.
gimmito said:

I have one already, but it can't hurt to have an extra one. Ed mentioned he'll bring the check valve when I pickup the H&S A250 skimmer.

Did you ever get your led lights ?



You'd have more use for it than Ed or I would (both running different pipe sizes)

I looked more into LED's and decided it was still too new for me to fully commit to. Im pretty convinced to stay with halides so im in the market for a 250w pendant. I've been looking into the reef brite ones with LED's for actinic supplementation.

So, were still on for Thursday, right? Let me know, I'll bring the skimmer and the check valve that we spoke about from partick.. let me know, if there any thing else that you'll need.


Picked up a used 70 gallon rubbermaid trough.

...and the "Big Brother" rubbermaid 300 gallon trough...I swear my kids could fill it up with water and kick it in there on hot days. :bigsmile:
Pick those up from Ocean's Treasures?

I have the 300G one, thought about getting one of the smaller ones simply because the 300G is so farking wide, I have to keep it outside because if its indoors it'll take up too much room! Of course I don't use it for reef related things, it holds all my RO waste water so I can water the yard :D
Nope, I actually bought it from a reefer from the southbay who used it for a few months while his house was being built. I'm using primarily it for an emergency or store my live rock. Oh, that 300 gallon is a beast...I might build a shed in the back for it. I believe some Costcos sell the 100 gallon rubbermaid troughs for 50 bucks...might want to check Costco online too.
Yeah but I'm not going to go hunting around for which costco happens to have it. I know the ones in San Francisco, San Bruno & SSF/Colma don't have them :D