gimmito said:
rygh said:
gimmito said:
rygh said:
gimmito said:
I should have called it a 700+ gallon build so I would get more credit.
True, and would sound even more impressive.
Does that include the quarantine tanks as well?
Main Display
450 gal+95 gal sump+40 gal fuge=585 gal
Frag Tank
60 gal+43 gal sump=103 gal
Quarantine tank
20 gal+29 gal sump=49 gal
Total gal=717 gal
You forgot to add the pipes.

Even though a joke, mine are somewhere around 7 gallons. I bet yours are a more.
Leave it to the engineer to calculate the gallons in the pipes.
Yeah, that did come out a bit nerdy didn't it.
The real story: I was draining the lines into a normal 5 gallon bucket in order to fix something.
My estimate was about 1 gallon ended up on the floor before I grabbed another bucket,
and the rest was about 1 gallon. :O