High Tide Aquatics

Gimmito's 450 gal L-shaped tank

Jim, now you know why I'm working in silence!!! BTW, to your earlier question, the mockup frame which will hold the false acrylic backing during construction has been built, the cut acrylic lining is back from TAP, and hopefully this weekend I can mount them in the frame and maybe even start the process of decor construction ... getting there! :)
JAR said:
Stop giving Jim a hard time... After all, It's got salt water in it.

It is "up" (water is filled up / equipment set up)
It is "running" (pumps are on)
I think it is even cycling, which means bio-activity.

Of course, when it is "stocked" (minimum to me = 1 fish + 1 coral + 1 invert),
then I think Jim needs to bring champagne to the next BAR meeting.

The funny thing is, when I had mine up and running, I was almost disappointed.
The build part is rather fun.
Fortunately my to-do list is still huge.
fingerwrinkles said:
Jim, now you know why I'm working in silence!!! BTW, to your earlier question, the mockup frame which will hold the false acrylic backing during construction has been built, the cut acrylic lining is back from TAP, and hopefully this weekend I can mount them in the frame and maybe even start the process of decor construction ... getting there! :)

I guess I should have done the same, then I could have been the cool kid on the block with the new toy. 8) ....but the I would have missed out on all the witty repertoire. :p

I'm looking forward to another large tank build !
rygh said:
JAR said:
Stop giving Jim a hard time... After all, It's got salt water in it.

It is "up" (water is filled up / equipment set up)
It is "running" (pumps are on)
I think it is even cycling, which means bio-activity.

Of course, when it is "stocked" (minimum to me = 1 fish + 1 coral + 1 invert),
then I think Jim needs to bring champagne to the next BAR meeting.

The funny thing is, when I had mine up and running, I was almost disappointed.
The build part is rather fun.
Fortunately my to-do list is still huge.

You know me Mark..I'm just holding out as long as I can. I want to hold on to the title "longest tank build w/o water" as long as I can :p

The building part has been fun and challenging. I know hobbyist who enjoy the build part more so than
the tank upkeeping part. I think it's just another stage of our tanks evolution.
rygh said:
JAR said:
Stop giving Jim a hard time... After all, It's got salt water in it.

It is "up" (water is filled up / equipment set up)
It is "running" (pumps are on)
I think it is even cycling, which means bio-activity.

Of course, when it is "stocked" (minimum to me = 1 fish + 1 coral + 1 invert),
then I think Jim needs to bring champagne to the next BAR meeting.

The funny thing is, when I had mine up and running, I was almost disappointed.
The build part is rather fun.
Fortunately my to-do list is still huge.

You know me Mark..I'm just holding out as long as I can. I want to hold on to the title "longest tank
build w/o fish/corals" as long as I can :p

The building part has been fun and challenging. I know hobbyist who enjoy the build part more so than
the tank upkeeping part. I think it's just another stage of our tanks evolution.

I'll probably throw a "tacito party" or "barbecue" for BAR members when this is all said and done. :party: :party:
Mmmmm party for done.

But yeah, I'm kind of guilty of that funnest part is building it group. Once it's working, bah who cares anymore... which why when I do projects it's often in a working yet unfinished (pretty) stage :D
sfsuphysics said:
Mmmmm party for done.

But yeah, I'm kind of guilty of that funnest part is building it group. Once it's working, bah who cares anymore... which why when I do projects it's often in a working yet unfinished (pretty) stage :D

That would explain the aluminum foil reflectors. :p
@ Arnold. Sure thing, I always enjoy shooting the breeze with other hobbyist. I guess I better hurry up and get some fish & corals in there huh ? :D
Or get some of those cool "plastic fish" that float on fishing line and some fiberglass corals - hear that is all the rage in Vegas!