Reef nutrition

Gimmito's 450 gal L-shaped tank


Here's some frags I put in today (frog in the blender, sand dollar, Leng Sy cap, etc.).

I guess I officially have a reef tank. :D
jestersix said:
Sweet! Pretty darn cool - I'm looking forward to seeing this in person real soon!

You are always welcome to swing by Johnny. I'm looking forward to filling that back right side w/a Jestersix rockscaping masterpiece. :)
cool! I guess we can close this thread if only he got a nickel for every post....he might have enough to buy a little colony sps coral instead of frags.
Apon said:
cool! I guess we can close this thread if only he got a nickel for every post....he might have enough to buy a little colony sps coral instead of frags.

...after building this monster I can only afford frags. :~
Kensington Reefer said:
Blueface is looking good!
Thanks Erin, the blue face seems to be less shy with all the community fish. I'm thinking of adding a gold flake angel down the line and maybe a trio of potters angels. :)