High Tide Aquatics

Gimmito's 450 gal L-shaped tank

Love the video updates. It's cool to see both wrasses doing well & swimming around with so much space, plus they have a lot more friends than they had in their previous tank.
Thanks Bill...fish are too hard to photograph. It's way easier to do a video. I think the Red filimentous would like a girlfriend or two. :)

How's the new aquascaping coming along ?
yeah, I bet he'd like a girlfriend, better yet multiple girlfriends since he's making himself look good for them :)
I haven't started on the aquascaping portion of my reborn tank- still cleaning out the old stuff and working on redoing plumbing, sump, fuge, etc.
I'll try and get him a couple of girlfriends, but the hard part is keeping them "girls." ;)
I have quite a bit of 1 1/2" schedule 80 fittings if you need any.

I tried borrowing a technique from Tony Vargas by attaching a siphon hose to a fork (or a multi tool). A simple, yet effective way to disturb the upper layer of the sanded and siphon detritus while doing water changes.





Johnny (Jestersix) was kind enough to come down and help me create a wicked rockscape for the rear of the tank. I wanted something that would would arch from the rear right to the middle of the tank. Here's some progresive & tank shots.
sfboarders said:
I like the rockwork Jim. Did you switch your bulbs out? It seems to be more bluer. 8)

Those Radium 20k's are looking mighty nice in the there....I won't need any atinics with them too top it off. 8)