Cali Kid Corals

Gimmito's 450 gal L-shaped tank

Does the fish (around 1:30 on the video) have an infected mouth? Hard to tell from all the blue, but that's really a bad sign for those "eat by scraping" type of fish.
If I was to do both,
I think I would add small tang before larger one.
But both at the same time might work too.
Can the 2 fish see each other now?
I personally say go chevron only.
Give a call so I can be more wishy washy over the phone
Juvi chevron is looking good and behaving very well. I have not yet had the opportunity to attempt to house a pair or two chevrons in the same tank. I think that, to start, if the two are introduced at the same time, that it could work for a while, but for how long? And how difficult will it be to remove it if necessary. A large fish population will help to distract from intra-species aggression. Your tank is big enough to try.
Thanks for the advice as always Erin...the nice thing about a big tank is I can try various pairings of fish that you ordinarily wouldn't do in a smaller tank. :)
...bummed out to find the tangs in QT dead this morning. :(

I did a large water change last night and dosed malachite green/formalyn. The pair of diamond gobies are fine though. I did turn off the skimmer during the treatment. I suspect the tangs were more sensitive than the gobies to the medicine. I'm also wondering if there was a drop in orp ?