
Gimmito's 450 gal L-shaped tank

Yep....Sanjay's tank crash still turns my stomach when reading about it. My tank has never reached above 84 with the three metal halides on during a heat wave (and without a chiller). I run a fan to blow across the halides which helps drop the temp a few degrees also. I might go full LEDs one day though...if I can find one that replicates radium 20k bulbs. ;)

How have you liked going full led on your set ups E?
How do you have the colors dialed in D?
Right now I have all channels turned up to only 15% and I have them ramp up and ramp down over an hour on each ramp. I'm slowly upping the photo period so I don't get any nasty algae outbreaks while I'm monitoring the nutrient levels and stability of the tank parameters.
Ouch man, that said having a large tank a cleaner wrasse is a lot more of a feasible option since it will have lots of food sources available, and you very well might have ich forever in the tank just flares up every now and then. Someone with a much smaller tank I would not recommend a cleaner wrasse at all.

Cleaner shrimp might help with relief of dead/dying flesh of fish though.