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Glass scratch repair


I have a small scratch on the front (outside) glass of my tank since it was new.
I want to get rid of it.
These suggestions came up on a google search.
Tooth paste
jewlers rouge
clear nail polish

Any other ideas?
Glass scratch remover. No, really. I think a place like Bank Glass would likely carry a kit with a scratch remover and polish kit. Of course, I might just be imagining it but I'm pretty sure such a product exists. :)
northbay-reefer said:
I've used tooth paste for my acrylic and it works great, for glass you might want to try a dremil with a buffer bit and some polishing/buffing compound

Great idea!
You may wanna try those resin kits they sell to fix bullseye on windshield glass.
They've worked great on cracks and bullseye...
Don't know about scratch, but the theory is you apply the liquid and place a plastic, which comes with the kit, over the liquid, forcing it to spread into very thin layer onto the scratch/crack filling all the void.
Then, it cures with just light. Maybe it works... don't know...
From what I gathered, if the scratch is deep enough to feel with your nail you won't be able to get it out. Otherwise you can use one of the methods mentioned above.