

I found some red macro algae starting to grown on a rock in my 34g. The rock came with one of the anemones I bought and it came from somebody's tank. I'm not sure if it is good or bad algae, but it is just starting to grow. Are there any red/burgundy algae that are harmful/pests?
Any algae which grows out of control, or simply grows where it is not wanted is a pest ;)
If you want to know if your particular species is known to be invasive, we'll need a good image of it to try and make an ID.
Would probably need pics. Could be a lot of different things. couple pest type algaes, off the top of my head, that are red are bubble algae and there's one with a runner, can't remember the name though.

Pictures really help in identifying anything.
It's just starting to grow so I can't tell what it will look like yet. I'll take a pic tomorrow when I turn the tank lights on since my fish are asleep right now.