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Hacked up my anemones!

Dr. Jason,
Let' order you a scalpel for your surgery. I like the way you blaze ahead with putting theory to practice with NO FEAR!

Once they've healed up, please set one of your nicest little nem clones aside for my axillary tank: the Nano 12 gal. . I'll be happy to compensate you appropriately. 0:)
screebo said:
I like the way you blaze ahead with putting theory to practice with NO FEAR!

Not to take way from this but cutting 'nems in no theory it's widely practiced for many years John. Anthony Calfo has been putting on 'nem cutting demonstrations since the early 00's/
So what's the secret to getting cut anemone like these on the road to recovery? Lots of flow? Sterile environments? food?

Looks neat, I remember first getting mine it was fun to touch them and become a secondary clownfish... now they just sting me and bring up large welts :D
No food.... good flow (but not too much). The environment doesn't need to be sterile.
GreshamH said:
screebo said:
I like the way you blaze ahead with putting theory to practice with NO FEAR!

Not to take way from this but cutting 'nems in no theory it's widely practiced for many years John. Anthony Calfo has been putting on 'nem cutting demonstrations since the early 00's/

Yes, to be fair, this isn't ground breaking work. :p I did a lot of research on RC and read Calfo's posts regarding this prior to starting. I don't think it's close to as hard as it sounds. The hardest part actually is just getting the anemones into a healthy position to start the cutting. Removing the anemones from the rockwork might be the riskiest step depending on how accessible they are.
sfsuphysics said:
So what's the secret to getting cut anemone like these on the road to recovery? Lots of flow? Sterile environments? food?

Looks neat, I remember first getting mine it was fun to touch them and become a secondary clownfish... now they just sting me and bring up large welts :D

It's funny actually, for years I never had a problem with RBTA stings, but now they definitely leave welts on my forearms. It's almost like I am more sensitive to them nowadays. I'm not sure why that is.
Yup same thing with me, maybe it's like bee stings in that you might not be allergic initially but over time you will become less adept to deal with them.
GreshamH said:
screebo said:
I like the way you blaze ahead with putting theory to practice with NO FEAR!

Not to take way from this but cutting 'nems in no theory it's widely practiced for many years John. Anthony Calfo has been putting on 'nem cutting demonstrations since the early 00's/

Valid point regarding word choice, Gresham! ;)
Tony's writing is in my reference library..........I just like to be vocal in my support of Jason's surgery. :D
mobert said:
I thought your green looked like mine!! I got my original clone from Dolphin Pet Village also.

It is really the nicest flourescent green BTA that I have seen.
Very true! The nems I got from you are so pretty. And one of the roses is doing the split now (I think).
is this one of the clones i got? =)

it's been doing great by the way thanks alot! both the baby rbta and the duncans are open all day and readily feed whenever offered.


any green ones available?
Yup, the one you bought is one of the clones, although that one was a natural split and not one that I split with a razor. I like these particular roses because they have the white splotches and striping on the mouth.

I don't have any green tips available at the moment, need to let the one that I cut heal and feed em back up first.
Could you PM me when you get a green tip? I love the vibrant green color. I have a giant 10"+ GBTA with purple tips and a green oral disc but it is nowhere as vibrant green as yours. Where did you buy yours? :bigsmile:
I've gotten a ton of PMs about the green tips. None available right now, I'll post when I have one available. Re-read my thread as I posted where I got them originally. (Actually, you could even just reread just this page... :p)
Dolphin Pet village has a ton available right now--ok, maybe its more like 3. The green tips split pretty often--mine split about 6 or 7 times in the last two years.
those anemones look awesome -- if you still have 1 of each available, i'll definitely buy them if you've ended up with extras on hand.
Thanks Camry... I have had a lot of requests for anemones. Right now I don't have any available, but I will post when I do.


Here are some updated photos.

This was two days after they were cut. Clearly, the wounds are still visible, but the anemones have opened up.



5 days later. At this point, I can't really see anymore exposed cuts. I can probably get an idea on where the cuts where made because they aren't perfectly symmetrical. However, the wound isn't really visible anymore. (Note: I had a couple other anemones in a different section of my aquarium that I needed to move, so I just put them all into the two baskets. Thus, these basket photos have photos of both cut and whole anemones. But you really can't tell the difference anyways.)



I probably won't post any more update photos, because now they look whole again and aren't that interesting.

However, here's what's up next on the chopping block. Orange flame tip anemone with green mouth and a very large green tip anemone. (Sorry for the crappy photo):


That flame tip is a clone of the anemone in the middle of this photo. (With the bubble tips). The anem to the upper right of the flame is a regular RBTA and the one to the upper left is the Colorado Sunburst (Thanks Gresh for pointing out the lineage):
