Cali Kid Corals

have anyone Try Chemi-Clean?

CookieJar said:
I thought fighting conchs should have a 2' x 2' area of sand for each one, I'm not an expert but i did read it in a forum which I guess makes me an expert. :bigsmile: Maybe they'll live in a smaller area for a while, but not sure if they'll get enough food to survive long term. I bet some of the real experts can chime in on how much space they need.

space is of no concern, food source is. If there is enough food in a 3"x3" they'd be happy. They tend to starve in peoples tanks though.
Maybe you didn't understand what I posted???? I'll make it even more plain :D

Can they get all their algal needs from just Nori alone given it's not a natural food source for them?
GreshamH said:
Maybe you didn't understand what I posted???? I'll make it even more plain :D

They can't get all their algal needs from just Nori alone.

Fixed. :D I still vote for nassarius snails. Less complicated. Stirs your sand. No need to worry about feeding a conch.
Nassarius snails are carnivores for the most part, they do a great job of keeping the sand bed stirred up, which again, IME, really helps in the fight against Cyano.
It turns out, Chemi-Clean is bad for the system. I thought Toothless was killed by being stuck in the tank, but today, my other fish showing sign of struggling. The swimming patterns are out, and he seems to be on the side now. Hes not going to make it. Stupid chemi-clean.
nanocube-guy said:
Icon-Yes, I agree Chemi-Clean is a temporarily fix too, I just want to try it once and see what it's like. I heard great reviews from customers on Marinedep. If that Doesn't work, then I will have to find another solution. The old fashion way, scrub and change water. Where can i get GFO?

My plan is to:
-I aready added Chemi-Clean
-Monday lower my light schedule from 16:00-00:00 to 18:00-00:00
-Tuesday 2.5 Gallon water Changes
+Add Carbons
-Friday scrub the area affected
+1 gallon water

I did used it at the beginning, but that's it. It killed my fish and I'm pretty ticked off.
sounds like they died from low DO... Did you do anything to increase the DO like add an airstone?
What Gresham said.

That's what I warned you about previously. Enclosed nanos have problems as it is with aeration.

Open the lid and get some more circulation going with the water. Airstone too, if you can.

Do water changes and carbon now and dilute the extra organics from your dead cyano. Probably getting a bacterial bloom that's taking down your DO.