
have anyone Try Chemi-Clean?

That's what I was trying to tell you. I know of at least a couple tanks in the club that crashed from it.

Mr. Ugly said:
People have crashed their tanks with Chemi-Clean due to dropping dissolved oxygen levels. It won't happen every time, so it can fool you. Depends on temperature, circulation, ventilation, amount of cyano.
I had to use Chemiclean this week, cyano got out of control; removed the glass top, skimmer off, no carbon, halide off, only a 24W pc as photo-period, power head pointing up to create water turbulence thus aerate it a bit more and help with the DO issue if any. Water change and no casualties.
Had to go this route since I tried "manual removal" with no effect. Skimmer back on line (since it was off I cleaned it nicely) carbon added...
Damn it, the back chambers are full of aiptasia :|
...well, hobby is fun, isn't it?
Every product is advertised as performing magical wonders for our tanks :D

What company ever says, "Our stuff sort of works, and you might get lucky and not have problems. But mainly our customers like our products because of placebo effects." ?

nanocube-guy said:
Wah.... Chemi-clean is so much an misleading product. They should put a warning on this. It's stupid... I'm so mad.

Did you follow the instructions? If not, it is you who is at fault, they don't just stick those on there for the fun of it!

Simple to Use Instructions*:

1. Remove all chemical filtration (Chemi-pure, Chemi-pure Elite, carbon, etc.)
2. Turn off protein skimmer, ozonizer, uv sterilizer.
3. Use air pump with an airstone for upkeep of oxygen. THIS IS CRITICALLY IMPORTANT.
4. Use one drop per gallon, wait 48 hours. It is imperative that you take into account water displacement of sand, rock and filter when dosing!
5. Perform a minimum 20% water change, then add back your chemical filtration (Chemi-pure, Chemi-pure Elite, carbon, etc.) and let filter run for 24 hours.
6. Turn on protein skimmer, ozonizer, uv sterilizer. Repeat if necessary starting with step 1.

*Disclaimer - We are not liable and cannot be held responsible for improper use of Chemi-clean.

Did you head the warnings other reefers gave you prior to you using it?
I think you should listen to every piece of advice you receive from anyone on this forum :D Believe it or not, people are trying to help you avoid things like this
iCon said:
I think you should listen to every piece of advice you receive from anyone on this forum :D Believe it or not, people are trying to help you avoid things like this
That is a much gentler way of something I've said in the past :-D
Gomer said:
iCon said:
I think you should listen to every piece of advice you receive from anyone on this forum :D Believe it or not, people are trying to help you avoid things like this
That is a much gentler way of something I've said in the past :-D

:bigsmile: That makes two of us
iCon said:
I think you should listen to every piece of advice you receive from anyone on this forum :D Believe it or not, people are trying to help you avoid things like this

Iam listening... and I know people are are trying to help me. :bigsmile:
nanocube-guy said:
iCon said:
I think you should listen to every piece of advice you receive from anyone on this forum :D Believe it or not, people are trying to help you avoid things like this

Iam listening... and I know people are are trying to help me. :bigsmile:

Hah alright man - Just don't want you to lose fish...Especially after you name them ;)
A_Lee said:
Oh lord jibba jibba

Curios as to whom you are directing that and if you meant to say "jibba jabba"? (yes, I watched the A Team as a kid :lol: )