

[quote author=Euphyllia link=topic=5636.msg70711#msg70711 date=1229727197]
Since everybody has asked me to ask before I buy something, I've decided to ask. As you may know, I'm getting a 34gal for Christmas. I saw some tank raised baby yellow stripe maroon clowns about 3/4 inch at the LFS and thought that a pair of those would be very nice to have. Since I would be getting them at a very young age, do you think it would be okay to get a pair? I was also thinking of putting a six line wrasse in with them. He is about 1/2 an inch right now. I'm getting my 34gal on the 26th and would let is cycle with lots of live sand and rock. I would buy the fish tomorrow and have the LFS keep them until my aquarium is cycled so that I get a good selection of the maroon clowns. Does that sound okay? I was also thinking of getting a bubble tip anemone (not rose) later on.
[/quote]I would recommend letting the rock and sand settle in for about 2 months. Then, if all is good, begin planning a community of fish, inverts and coral (on paper!). Knowing the whole community you intend to put together will help you plan the stocking order correctly and ensure that you don't rule out a desired species with an inappropriate acquisition. Plan on 1 year to finish the community. HTH.-Jim
[quote author=Euphyllia link=topic=5636.msg70731#msg70731 date=1229732262]
Tank raised clownfish are very hardy and durable fish making them a perfect addition for the novice or seasoned aquarist. If introduced to the aquarium at the same time, many varieties of tank raised clowns can be maintained together in the aquarium.


I beg to differ unless in a super large tank. 34g unfortunately isn't a big tank in my book.
[quote author=bookfish link=topic=5636.msg70759#msg70759 date=1229749537]
[quote author=Euphyllia link=topic=5636.msg70711#msg70711 date=1229727197]
Since everybody has asked me to ask before I buy something, I've decided to ask. As you may know, I'm getting a 34gal for Christmas. I saw some tank raised baby yellow stripe maroon clowns about 3/4 inch at the LFS and thought that a pair of those would be very nice to have. Since I would be getting them at a very young age, do you think it would be okay to get a pair? I was also thinking of putting a six line wrasse in with them. He is about 1/2 an inch right now. I'm getting my 34gal on the 26th and would let is cycle with lots of live sand and rock. I would buy the fish tomorrow and have the LFS keep them until my aquarium is cycled so that I get a good selection of the maroon clowns. Does that sound okay? I was also thinking of getting a bubble tip anemone (not rose) later on.
[/quote]I would recommend letting the rock and sand settle in for about 2 months. Then, if all is good, begin planning a community of fish, inverts and coral (on paper!). Knowing the whole community you intend to put together will help you plan the stocking order correctly and ensure that you don't rule out a desired species with an inappropriate acquisition. Plan on 1 year to finish the community. HTH.-Jim

+ 1,000,000,000,000,000 This is exceptional advice from a seasoned pro :)
I have a mated pair of maroon clowns in my 180, they arent the nicest. The female is the only one in my tank that gives me grief. She is mean to the male and only allows him around sometimes. If she isnt in the right mood and he doesnt get it she will bite him. He often runs off to a space where she cant get to him. Keep in mind that these are mated and spawn, from what I have observed 34 gallons just simply isnt enough room for your male to get away from the female if she isnt in a good mood, even if they do pair up.
I think the 6 line may kill any jawfish irregardless of the relative sizes or stocking order. It may also harass the cards/clowns. There just isn't much room left over once you put a 6 line in a 34 gallon tank. Why not go with a possum wrasse instead?
And I'd stock in this fashion:
Month 3-first fish addition-cardinal trio
Month 4-jawfish
Month 5- possum wrasse
Month 6- clown pair
My advice tends to be conservative but people that take the conservative route tend to do better in this hobby in the long run.
[quote author=Euphyllia link=topic=5636.msg70825#msg70825 date=1229794906]
How about
Jaw fish
Then cardinal trio
then clowns
[/quote]Over a 3 month period I believe that would be ok.
[quote author=Euphyllia link=topic=5636.msg70833#msg70833 date=1229795369]
My clowns are semi-aggressive so would adding the six line last work?

[/quote]I think the 6 line may kill any jawfish irregardless of the relative sizes or stocking order. It may also harass the cards/clowns. There just isn't much room left over once you put a 6 line in a 34 gallon tank.
I had a very simular stocking list. The cardinal/firefish where in the tank for 6 months and doing great. Then I added a six line. He almosted killed both of them. It also became harder to feed them. I think my tank had a meeting one night and had him wacked. I never saw the sixline again, and no sign of where he went. That will be my last sixline.
[quote author=bookfish link=topic=5636.msg70759#msg70759 date=1229749537]
I would recommend letting the rock and sand settle in for about 2 months. Then, if all is good, begin planning a community of fish, inverts and coral (on paper!). Knowing the whole community you intend to put together will help you plan the stocking order correctly and ensure that you don't rule out a desired species with an inappropriate acquisition. Plan on 1 year to finish the community. HTH.-Jim

Bumping because the OP hasn't read this enough or he wouldn't still be dicussing his stocking before he even owns the tank..........................
Euphyllia. Bookfish gave you extremely good advice. He is someone who knows more about the hobby then most in the club. Please take his advice to heart.
[quote author=Roc link=topic=5636.msg70849#msg70849 date=1229797560]
[quote author=bookfish link=topic=5636.msg70759#msg70759 date=1229749537]
[size=10pt][size=10pt]I would recommend letting the rock and sand settle in for about 2 months. Then, if all is good, begin planning a community of fish, inverts and coral (on paper!). Knowing the whole community you intend to put together will help you plan the stocking order correctly and ensure that you don't rule out a desired species with an inappropriate acquisition. Plan on 1 year to finish the community. HTH.-Jim[/size][/size]

Bumping because the OP hasn't read this enough or he wouldn't still be dicussing his stocking before he even owns the tank..........................
