Reef nutrition

How long do you look at your tank?

I like to stare at it least 1 hour a day. My mother yells at me sometime because I don't sleep. The tank is infort of my bed :). She say "It's nice, but I don't like it."
15 minutes every morning and somtimes I bring out the flashlight at like 2 or 3am. You'd be surprised as how many shy creatures come out at night. And espiecally after I toke everything seems more interesting afterwards, i dunno
tuanmai111 said:
15 minutes every morning and somtimes I bring out the flashlight at like 2 or 3am. You'd be surprised as how many shy creatures come out at night. And espiecally after I toke everything seems more interesting afterwards, i dunno
woke up or toke up....hmm :p