
How long do you look at your tank?

How long do you spend looking at your tank per day, on average?
Not doing maintenance, just sitting there and enjoying your tank.
I find myself spending at least 1/2 - 1 sitting in my chair facing my tank.
Almost an hour. Some days more.
Every morning with my 1 year old daughter on my lap and her hands on the glass.
Can't get enough of it actually.
1-2 hours each day but the last four weeks, 1-2 minutes. Somedays I don't even look at it. I haven't clean the glass for 4 weeks. I just moved the tank today to the new place. What a PIA... Hopefully I won't lose much since I didn't spend much time to get ready for the move. Things look like crap now :( ..
At night when I get home, a few minutes. A few more in the evening in passing, and then, almost as a ritual when I get out of the shower right before a bonus, it gives me a bit more time to "air dry" ;)
the new tank is next to the lazy boy facing the tv, its the favorite seat in the house, probably gets 3-4hrs a day off attention (5 roommates). I usually grab my feeding cup, turkey baster for the evening news, and spread the feeding out over the 1hr time slot, no better way to end the day!
I'd say I look at it for at least 30 minutes a day. Definitely take a 5 minute glance in the morning, at least 15 minutes when I first get home from work and then various times throughout the evening (i.e. when the only the actinics are on and when only the moonlights are on).
somedays I wouldn't even know I had a tank if it were not for the protein skimmer noise :lol:
Gomer said:
At night when I get home, a few minutes. A few more in the evening in passing, and then, almost as a ritual when I get out of the shower right before a bonus, it gives me a bit more time to "air dry" ;)

Thanks for that visual right as I was eating lunch.....
GreshamH said:
somedays I wouldn't even know I had a tank if it were not for the protein skimmer noise :lol:
I fed my tank last night some oyster chow, and for whatever reason I turned my protein skimmer off, and I was absolutely amazed to how quiet my tank was, my new goal is to find a way to sound proof my sump area! :D
sfsuphysics said:
GreshamH said:
somedays I wouldn't even know I had a tank if it were not for the protein skimmer noise :lol:
I fed my tank last night some oyster chow, and for whatever reason I turned my protein skimmer off, and I was absolutely amazed to how quiet my tank was, my new goal is to find a way to sound proof my sump area! :D

Are you thinking what I am thinking? If so, you are thinking of using a sonication probe to create both cavatation bubbles and break up venturi bubbles rather than using an impeller/needlewheel etc

oh ya....
I look at my tank 90% less than I read this forum and nano-reef.... mostly cause I have the forums up at work.. shhhh don't tell the boss :p
Not much because it's at home in San Francisco, and I'm in school in Santa Cruz. But when I do go home, a good 4-5 hours easily.
In the summer when I see it more often, probably a good hour or 2 everyday.
5 minutes after I wake up to feed and count my fish to make sure nobody commited suicide via carpetdiving and then about half an hour after work each day.
on and off through out the whole day like about 2 hours it is in the hallway so no mattar where you go in the house you pass by it and take a look at it