Reef nutrition

Hulk mini size

Just make him mad to get the green color,198525
Romanians are known to be top gymnasts and they start at an early age; it's like the national pass-time good thing they did not put him in a Helium balloon, that would have p*** him off and watch out for the mini-hulk !!
My son was "I can do that" so I said "No you can't nor I want you to" (I don't like show biz)
It probably isn't juicing but rather a genetic mutation where his Myostatin gene is turned off. This is rare but happens. Factoid: Whippets who are champion racers tend to have one of their two Myostatin genes turned off. Breeders would breed two champions and have a 25% chance of a normal dog, 50% chance of a single Myostatin deficiency, and a 25% double deficiency. The 25% double deficiency how Bully Whippets come about.
Years ago a kid also was shown on TV about his strength, sure it's a nature oddity but he seems happy showing what he's got.
Many of kids who start at an early age to be top gymnasts are shorter than average, as well as weight lifters.
Gomer said:
It probably isn't juicing but rather a genetic mutation where his Myostatin gene is turned off. This is rare but happens. Factoid: Whippets who are champion racers tend to have one of their two Myostatin genes turned off. Breeders would breed two champions and have a 25% chance of a normal dog, 50% chance of a single Myostatin deficiency, and a 25% double deficiency. The 25% double deficiency how Bully Whippets come about.

Whip it good, it's not too late to whip it
I don't agree with the dangerous acrobatics or the level of muscle building at a young age, but I don't see any harm in starting young, unless there is forced pressure to succeed. I started martial arts at around 6-7 I wanted to be like Bruce Lee :) it was fun for me, but I wasn't forced to do it (like I was with my piano lessons).