High Tide Aquatics

IM SR60 - back after a long hiatus


Gettin there
For the clams, I like looking at mine from the top occasionally and keep them in clam hammocks, so keep that in mind for positioning and angling with the rocks (plus how much PAR you're actually getting up there). And of course water level dropping and clams shooting up water into the lights if you siphon from the main tank during changes!
Awesome setup! I’ll be following along. I’m debating between this tank or the smaller 50 version at the moment. Where did you find that tray? For the ATO reservoir, do you plan on using a lid or keeping it open top?
Awesome setup! I’ll be following along. I’m debating between this tank or the smaller 50 version at the moment. Where did you find that tray? For the ATO reservoir, do you plan on using a lid or keeping it open top?
I had the tray made by popshipdisplays. Might be cheaper through TAP Plastics. I'm planning to leave the ATO reservoir open.
Got the Tunze ATO 3155 working. That Roger at Tunze provides awesome CS. Bought a used 3155 off a guy from reef2reef. It didn't work. Roger was kind enough to check it out. It was too old to fix. Offered me a new 3155 at a good price to get me going.
Looking to add a few corals.

OG Superman monti
aquascene icefire echinata
tyree blue matrix
Purple monster
Oregon tort

Looking for large frags.

LMK if you have a frag available and price.

Looking to add a few corals.

aquascene icefire echinata
tyree blue matrix
Purple monster

Looking for large frags.

LMK if you have a frag available and price.

Looking to add a few corals.

aquascene icefire echinata
tyree blue matrix
Purple monster

Looking for large frags.

LMK if you have a frag available and price.


James went through so many colonies of echinata to get that one. Every trip to Socal we'd pick a couple up.