Reef nutrition

I'm trying to figure how big is this tank..

Hi guys, my brother offer me an 36x15w16h, I used the calculator in reefcentral and it say 37g, but my tru vu say it's 40. I'm not sure if it's forty, what do you guys think how much the tank holds?
36 * 15 * 16 = 8,640
8640 (cubic inches) = 37.4 US gallons

technically, neither are correct :p

40g is an approximation.

I'm sure that none of the tank's are exact to their spec.
Plus, that is outer dimension. True volume is internal..and at that, realistic volume doesn't include the top inch or so.
36x15w16h = 8,640 inches^3

8,640 inches^3 /231 = 37.4g
That's how i find gallon-age normally.
I think it all depends on the size of the wrasse or tang initially, when you get it. There are many species of wrasse that would work just fine in that tank. Tangs, unfortunately, not so many (some would say none).
I don't think you will be able to house any tang in there for as long as you may want. Also much depends on how your rocks are arranged -some formations reduce "cruising space" to zilch.
In the end, if you find a tang of an appropriate size, it should be okay for the time being.
My two pennies.
Unless you mismeasured, and it's actually 36x16x16 in which case that's closer to 40g.

As to the tangs, skip them, not even a small baby one the size of a button. They are all unsuitable for a tank that tiny.

Wrasses, there could be some that would be ok, although a 40g tank is kind of small, I'd stick with 1 only, and only a smaller kind, 6-line, pin-stripe. Stay away from flashers and fairy wrasses.