

JAR said:
tuberider said:
I introduced RBs into my system to see it it would have any effect on the AEFW population, IME there was no difference in the population even when the RBs had reached plague proportions.

simply NO FEAR!!!!!!
Amazing! :D
fight fire with fire??
Jeremy, I hear that aiptasia will eat excess FW controlling RBs. Once the aiptasia gets out of hand, you can introduce monti eating nudies. Once the aiptasia has eaten enough RB's, the nudies like their flavor.
perculation said:
Could I. . .

So if the life span of the redbugs is three to five days, could i remove the rocks with acros and milli's to a quarantine tank and then intercept' that tank twice over two weeks while they die off naturally in my main tank? Would they die off when denied the food source for that period of time?
If that is possible to remove your acros, absolutely.
r0ck0 said:
Anyone tried these shrimps to attack AEFW?

Well they are known to eat coral as well, sooooo, IMO a poor solution :D
So i tried my best for close to four days to get either of my cleaner shrimps out of my tank, but it was useless.

Saturday morning i broke up a small portion(1/6 pill) of Interceptor and added it to my tank after turning off my skimmer. So far so good. I feel a little foolish. Im not sure what i was thinking was going to happen. It wasn't like all my shrimps and crabs went belly up instantly. As of tonight they look okay. I did notice that the larger of the two shrimp is caring a full load of eggs:(

After 24hrs i noticed less Redbugs on what was their favorite acro. Still though, they remain on all the previously affected corals.

Per what i learned at this months meeting i am going to wait somewhere between 4-5 days from my initial dosing and re dose with the Interceptor. I think Jeremy said to do a large water change before redosing to compensate for the die off from the first round? I'll have to PM him.

I'll let you know how the fight goes.
Today is day 4 post initial Interceptor treatment.

I am going to change 30% of the total water volume today, as well as re-intercept.

As of last night i couldn't spot any Red Bugs. My shrimp are all still alive which make me wonder if i treated it properly the first time.

El Presidente explained to me that the interceptor prohibits the redbugs from developing a shell and that is why it kills off your pods and your crabs, but not your snails. Maybe my shrimp are just prisoners living out their sentence in their last shells?
Huh that is not what I have been told it does.... shooting off another email to my DVM sister who is well versed in what it does.

In the past when I have dosed it with shrimps in the tank, they went into convulsions and it retarded them after that. If it's prohibiting them from growing shells why would it make them go into convulsions?
Kraylen said:
I'm finding gasoline and a match work well on eliminating things in or out of the tank that you dislike.

But with a 250 Gallon tank, and gas at over $3/gallon, that gets rather expensive. ;)
perculation said:
Today is day 4 post initial Interceptor treatment.

I am going to change 30% of the total water volume today, as well as re-intercept.

As of last night i couldn't spot any Red Bugs. My shrimp are all still alive which make me wonder if i treated it properly the first time.

El Presidente explained to me that the interceptor prohibits the redbugs from developing a shell and that is why it kills off your pods and your crabs, but not your snails. Maybe my shrimp are just prisoners living out their sentence in their last shells?

OK Interceptor does not inhibit chitin turnover but rather...

- acts by disrupting the transmission of the neurotransmitter gamma amino butyric acid (GABA) and glutamate gated channels, leading to flaccid paralysis of parasites (note: in mammals, GABA-containing neurons and receptors are found only in the central nervous system; in arthropods and nematodes, GABA is found primarily in the peripheral nervous system (neuromuscular junction).

which makes perfect sense given how shrimps react to it.
In case somebody stumbles upon this at a later date, i wanted to give a conclusion to my redbud experience.

In hindsight, it couldn't have been easier to remedy. The most difficult part was recruiting my sisters beagle for a heartworm test. I had to thrown in a rabies vaccine to sweeten the deal up.

After dosing the second time, i performed another 30% water change and that was that. A month+ later and i haven't seen another Redbug. I haven't lost either of the cleaner shrimp in my tank to date, nor any emerald crabs that i can see.

Moral: Respect, but fear not the Redbug.
I've found RB as well, I don't have any dog, anyone mind to share a tablet of interceptor with me? I can pay you or trade with a frag, Thanks!