Neptune Aquatics

Josh and Tiffany's RSR 250

UPDATE, 5/15

Added some new pieces to the tank; specifically a blue/purple torch with some threads of gold, a couple goniopora, and a pink lemonade acro (the latter being from @Chromis ' awesome booth at the CFM).

Mapped out PAR, happy with everything, and testing out an H380 fuge light on loan from @Srt4eric .





Update, 6/18/22

My first major BS event in the hobby: the bottom seal on this tank decided to almost, but not quite, give up the ghost. Through a minor miracle no water leaked, but it did leave me scrambling to find a replacement. Fortunately, @Blaise006 had a spare RSR250 that I was able to swap in, so all I had to do was drain tank, remove rockwork, catch fish, swap tanks, then reverse the first three steps. I lost one of the two recovering heads of HG torch, as well as a recovering head of aussie gold.

This transfer led to my second major BS event in the hobby. As best I can tell, the stress of the move kicked off (what I believe to be) a velvet outbreak in the tank. I noticed something was amiss a little over a week ago, kept an eye on it, and it proceeded to very quickly affect everything in the tank (with the notable exception, so far at least, of the melanurus wrasse and the watchman goby.

I'd initially intended to wait until next week, when I transfer the rock into a new 4' tank, but over the past 36 hours I've lost all four of the vanderbilt chromis and one of the lyretail anthias. I've now been equipped for QT thanks, again, to Blaise006 and a lot of loaner equipment, and my wife and I were able to catch the mandarin, squaretail tang, and slowly-turning-male lyretail anthias tonight and get them into QT. We're going to try and catch the remaining fish tomorrow and get them started on QT as well.

This will definitely be informing my approach to quarantine going forward, especially as I graduate to larger tanks.
After these setbacks, I think you are due for some good luck. These setbacks can be deflating but will give you so much experience and make you into a even better reefer. With all of the knowledge you are gaining going through this, you will be able to share and help others dealing with the same problems. This hobby is very challenging but that is the reason I’m still in the do this many years later.
Stay positive, it will pay off!
After these setbacks, I think you are due for some good luck. These setbacks can be deflating but will give you so much experience and make you into a even better reefer. With all of the knowledge you are gaining going through this, you will be able to share and help others dealing with the same problems. This hobby is very challenging but that is the reason I’m still in the do this many years later.
Stay positive, it will pay off!
I appreciate it and, honestly, I've already had a lot of good luck. It's an important learning experience, but it's upsetting because I still feel like I failed them and want to do better going forward.

I lost the mandarin, tang, and both remaining anthias this morning. I have not seen the midas blenny in the DT since yesterday morning, so I'm worried, and the royal gramma is breathing heavy and hiding. The other remaining fish (lawnmower blenny, watchman goby, and melanurus wrasse) all seem relatively unaffected. I'm going to be keeping an extremely close eye on them and try to catch them before the tank transfer in a couple weeks, but so far it at least seems like they'll make it that long.
Update, 7/31/22

So I've been lazy about getting the new four foot tank set up and leveled, so here's some shots of the loaner RSR250 I've been using.


Before and after of my homewrecker frag with nine months of growth:



And my Walt Disney acro:


I added a third XR15 over the tank and I think it's making a difference. After talking a bit with @jhuynh I've also started dosing the Red Sea ABCD trace elements. Given that my iodine was low in a recent ICP test it'll be interesting to see if light + trace elements help me pull any pink/red colors out of my acros.
Josh is the torch in the sandbed the same dragon soul you're selling frags of?
It's not the same as the ones I am selling, but we (Eric and I) do have frags available. Here's a quick side-by-side; frags on the left are the ones I recently posted, while Eric and I have some frags of the one on the right:
