
July 14th Gear Swap item list

Everyone take your ColdEze or whatever pre-cold fighting stuff, I think I'm going to try and bear it today (but not bare it... as it might be a tad too cold!)

So anyone who wanted anything from me, speak up now or forever hold your peace :D
Please keep your infecticitus to yourself. It's bad enough trying to ward off the greenie growies that the kids bring home! No offense, but if you're not well stay home and get well. We will love you even more, though you will be missed.
If there are no takers for any of my offerings, then I'm not going to schlep it. No harm, no foul.

60 gallon tanks
HQI pendant w/bulb (no ballast)
72"geisman 3x250 w/ T5 (no ballast)
Euro reef skimmer bodies and parts (no pumps)
CO2 20#tank

Let me know ASAP
Leaving in 15min