Cali Kid Corals

Leemar Starphire 290

I saw your post about modifying the canopy, and really didn't think I was at the current post. Again!?! I'll have to come check it out again soon. Been awhile.

Yup, I keep messing around with stuff. So far it's been good. That red tabling acro you gave me is SO AMAZING!!! The colors are crazy cool. I am very excited about it. Come by any time.

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So what do you got in that 800 watts again? I see 5 strip lights, and maybe 5 or 6 Kessils?

Ok, lets see......

A total of 7 Kessils now @ 90w each = 630 watts. All run at 100% except the A350w over some chalice and Acan coral is about 60%.
5 Kessil A350 narrow's accross the front of the tank.
1 Kessil A350w back of tank left of overflow
1 Kessil A360w back of tank right of overflow

A total of 5 Ecoxotic "Marine" LED strip lights.
2 - 36" accross the front @ 35w each = 70w
3 - 24" accross the back @ 25w each = 75w

A total of 5 Ecoxotic Stunner strip Magenta / actinic blue
2 - 36" accross the front @ 18w each= 36w
3 - 24" accross the back @ 12w each= 36w

Two R2 Solutions Extreme Moonlight LED at (I think) 5w each = 10w.

Kessil = 630w
Ecoxotic marine = 145w
Ecoxotic stunner = 72w
moonlight = 10w
TOTAL = 857 watts
Wow, that is a ton of light!
Tank looks great!! So it must be working.

Thanks Mark. It is a lot of light, but it's spread out over a lot of area, so the size of the tank is really the issue. I am pretty happy with the spread now though. I think the lighting is complete. ;)
So I decided to make some big changes today.

My large Anemone has doubled in size since being in the new tank. I have been getting VERY concerned that it might split and give me some major headaches. It has also managed to touch every coral that is around it, despite a massive area for it to thrive. It has been stinging my Blue stag, a tri color acro, my large cup coral, a gregonian, some Zoo's and a hammer coral. so I decided it was time to come out of the tank.

I am pretty bummed about it, as I have had this nem for many years......Ron and I were trying to figure it out, and we determined we got it around 2005. It had split 4 times in my 110 before moving into this tank.

Anyway.............Dan was nice enough to come over for some help / moral support. ;) So far we were able to get the GIANT rock out of the tank without too much damage. This was HUGE! I was very nervous. Only casualty was the Blue Stag pretty much exploded when I tried to cut it away from the rock next to it. It had grown into / anchored onto another rock.

Currently the Nem is sitting in a bin with a large pump blasting it. I am hoping to get it on the move so I can get it off the rock, or even better........get it to come off the rock and onto the rubbermaid bin. Hasn't budged in about 3 hours. :( Gonna try some ice in a bit as well. I had heard you can ice the foot and they will leg go. We'll see.

Once off, the Nem will live in the fugue (AKA Jail) with my Cinnamin clown.

This move is gonna open up a ton of space for more SPS. Not that I'm excited or anything. :D I'll keep ya posted.
Got the last of the anemones out of my DT last weekend. They're in an "anemone fuge" that's off to the side. Still trying to figure out if want to add an anemone fuge for my next tank, or get rid of the anemones if someone makes me a decent offer.
Looking good! Thanks for the blue staghorn frag. That thing is intense!

Moving that nem out is going to change the whole look of the tank. That much more room for SPS is going to be awesome.
I'll just leave this here for you
