
Looking for coral donations for Steinhart (easy stuff!)

Thanks everyone,

The best way to get stuff to me is to drop it by the Aquarium when I am working. I work Sunday-Thursday, so let me know when works for you and we'll meet up.

Thanks again!

No Way! After what Steinhart did to me! Paying me well to do what I love AND being nice on top of it! Sheesh!
Seriously though, I have a large softie I can give you. Trade for a roti culture system but the coral comes with an acrylic tank. You know of what I speak!!
ps. Someone should kick your ass this week. LMK when you're available.
bookfish said:
No Way! After what Steinhart did to me! Paying me well to do what I love AND being nice on top of it! Sheesh!
Seriously though, I have a large softie I can give you. Trade for a roti culture system but the coral comes with an acrylic tank. You know of what I speak!!
ps. Someone should kick your ass this week. LMK when you're available.

Do I hear a rumble?

You need a roti-culture system? I happen to be working on a new set-up for hobbyists and could use some one like you to help work out the bugs :) email me. We have a new feed we're working on that is let's just say revolutionary in terms of rotifer culture. Good stuff I must say.
Hey rich, I have a large millepora (I think!) it's mostly brown, but has purple growth tips. It dominates my tank and I was telling my wife that I'd love to donate it to Steinharts! It grows FAST.

Oh yeah, I'm also overrun with green/purple ricordias and some nice green striped mushrooms. I've emailed you about the SPS, let me know and I'll bring it up one Sunday!

I'll email you.

i would only be able to bring to general meeting also, i have a rock with large hairy mushrooms, and a 8" colt coral. so let me know if you would want me to donate them. thanks
Rich, If you want some of this, let me know.

Its getting to big again! (DBTC- the coral even Mr Ugly didn't have)

Today I dropped off some GSP, and a 2" colony of pipe organ. Rich, thanks for making me feel like a million bucks! New to reefing and the club and corals donated to the big dog.
I have two huge softies I need a home for; Devil's Hand and Toadstool ?
I just need to snip off a small frag to grow it LMK if it will have a home there.

Rich ... I may try to go for the mondo-mongo award and get you a long polyp leather that is starting to dominate the center of the 180 ... it's probably about 14 or 15 inches in diameter and around a foot tall. I presume that isn't too big??? I may also have a variety of assorted softies to contribute if you like.
Yes to everything in this thread guys! Thanks!
Contact me and let me know if/when you could get it to the Park and we will work it out.

Thanks everyone who has come by so far!
Gresh, when you don't have much to show off, you got to sieze the moment when you can! I'm just proud of the fact that I can grow something besides clowns and 'nems!

Rich, let me know the best email to reach you at, and we can start talking schedules.
