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Looking to invest in a stationary bicycle

On a bike, I can get my heart rate up and keep it up, for whatever reason why I run/jog my energy get sapped really quickly, I can't run slow enough to make a difference. And when I stop, I can definitely feel my heart pounding without even feeling my chest...

so fine... heart rate monitor on the list of things I need :p
Don't get anything fancy for a HRM. They can range from $30 to $300 lol. Normally, I wouldn't suggest one for normal "use", but since you have a clear health goal, it can help you stay on the right track.

I do know what you mean on running. For me, there is a very specific zone where I can run for a long while..but if I go a little slower or faster...bye bye :p ...but I dont' run anymore because of the constant "pounding"..physical, menthal, and auditory.

For bike stuff, performance bike is a good option for you. They have a wide range and usually some good deals (get on their mailing list). On tuesdays, they have a lunch time in-store 10% sale on everything.
Walking the hills might be one way of cardio, come home and follow with jumping rope. The cardio can be split amongst different workouts.
+1 on splitting up the cardio.

Jump rope is pretty good. Inexpensive and doesn't need a bunch of space.

Wear some decent shoes and don't over do it it. Shin splints are no fun.
There was a stationary bike for sale at the Factory Outlet store next to Aquarium Showroom. I didn't ask the price, but most everything there was really cheap.
Got it home, got a bit of a workout getting it up the stairs because the wheel on it is a heavy hunk o lead or something. Gave it a run through to get a feel for it, even those it is an older model it still works!

Thanks again Teo.
Stairs? You have stairs?

That's your workout right there, Mike. No need to buy a bike :D

Just do like Jeremy and carry water buckets up and down the stairs all day long :D