got ethical husbandry?

Malaysian Acros?

How’s everybody’s Speciosa frags? My 4 look like they’re struggling (not the best polyp extension) but hanging in there. Most of the barnacles seem to have already died despite putting Reef Nutrition (dead not live) phyto in there. Does it make a difference to those worms if you give them dead or live phyto? All 4 frags made it through 2 rounds of interceptor and 2 dips so far. Fingers crossed.

Anyone know what Speciosa like? Cold water? Turbid water? Lots of feeding?
One down! Large colony died, not STN or anything just gave out - didn’t have the energy left to maintain its tissues and they just fell off. The second colony that I fragged into three pieces is still alive. The large colony had the most barnacles - something I didn’t know to look for and will avoid in the future. Lesson learned. The barnacles all died and I think it contributed to the acro going down.

One down! Large colony died, not STN or anything just gave out - didn’t have the energy left to maintain its tissues and they just fell off. The second colony that I fragged into three pieces is still alive. The large colony had the most barnacles - something I didn’t know to look for and will avoid in the future. Lesson learned. The barnacles all died and I think it contributed to the acro going down.

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How do you confidently tell the difference between RTN/STN vs just “giving out“ or not having enough energy in tissues? I’m trying to imagine what would make me say one vs the other was the issue and am coming up blank.
How do you confidently tell the difference between RTN/STN vs just “giving out“ or not having enough energy in tissues? I’m trying to imagine what would make me say one vs the other was the issue and am coming up blank.
The tissue just gradually looks less healthy and thinner and then sloughs off kind of from everywhere, like the acro just kind of “gives up the ghost” and the whole thing just dies at once. I see this most often with wild acros, acros from hobbyists that have pests (and maybe also have been in an unhealthy environment), but have also seen it from a couple vendors that shipped acros with dino growth on the plugs so I figured the dinos wore them down prior to shipping.