Cali Kid Corals

MARS 2013 Frag Swap

It's official! Marine Aquarist Roundtable of Sacramento (MARS) is holding its annual Frag Swap -
Date: September 28th
Time: Check-in at 11 am, Swapping will start at approximately 12:30 pm
Location: Roseville Eagle's Hall, 210 Lincoln St., Roseville

This location is just a few short minutes (about 5) from Your Reef, our premiere LFS in the area. John plans on being open early that day as well as having some terrific specials.

Further information about the Swap including guidelines can be found at: http://marineaquaris....php?board=78.0

An exciting raffle is being planned.. prizes will include a GHL Mitras LX 6200 LED Fixture, a Vortech MP40 ES Pump, and a RapidLED Dimmable Onyx LED Fixture.

Hope to see you there!
We've strived to keep our swap as affordable as possible this year. Only $5 entry, a delicious tri-tip sandwich lunch (with chips and beverage) for $7... share the cost of gas, drop a few dollars into the raffle... and have a fun day!
I might attend this event. Is there anyone living in SF or SSF that would like to carpool?
It's definitely on my consideration list, not 100% yet but getting there. I haven't been to a MARS swap in since... forever. Last one I went to was at I think Pam's house in Dixon (that may have been one of the first ones for all I know!).
Thanks for the invitation, Anne! The MARS frag swap was a blast last year. :cool:

Unfortunately this year I have a conflicting wine release party that the wife is adamant about attending. Best wishes for a fun swap!
Hey Bennett,

Ok I am in. I think I will pass on driving this time. I will chip in for gas. LMK when you want to go.