
Maybe I need to rethink this whole glass tank idea...

hehe Doug, I appreciate the offer, but the 18g acrylic I have would work as well if I wanted it on the ground, however I think for now I'll do the reverse sump setup.
I ran a system like that at one of my old jobs (maintenance/install company). It can be rather effective IMO :) Zooplankton really doesn't have that big of a problem with passing through a mag pump once. It's the continual beating of a PH (sucked in many times) that tends to really harm them. Heck, I had large fish pass through our Sequence 5800's at Cortez. I saw a 6" Lunare wrasse go right passed it into a holding tank with no visible harm :D
*sigh* Had a casualty in the tank, a nice flame angel that I've had for a few years. It was wedged between a rock and the acrylic, I think because I didn't have the cave all stacked up like I used to (more square feet tank space even though I lost some gallons), and as a result I think it went to try and hide and wedged himself to death. I don't think it was a water condition issue, but I can't be sure.

I liked that fish, even though it was quite shy. My G/f suggested tossing him and foxface into my stony tank, but I vetoed the idea because I do have another rabbitfish in there, and didn't know if I wanted to trust the dwarf angel with my sps, lps and clams I have in there. Oh well. Thems the breaks.
It happens Arnold, besides, it's no where as bad as what happened to you, so I consider myself quite lucky that I had everything to setup a temp tank and it simply a tank crash not a livestock crash :).
Update, quite a few mushrooms went all funky on me, unsure if that's due to lower temperatures, stresses in moving, or there was "something" left on the tank, which IMO there shouldn't be since all I did was sit it on it's side and sprayed off the gunk when I broke it down.

Also I'm probably going to lose my male tomato clown, I noticed today he's not in an anemone... and he has no tale (freshly removed it seems)... don't know if the anemone started to digest him while sleeping, or if he got a little too close to a power head, but yeah he looks like he might be on his way out. I'm tempted to toss him in the refugium just to try and let him heal, but when I did he freaked out.... plus before I could put a grate on the outpipe he took a water slide ride back into the tank.

Leathers are finally starting to pop polyps out, although still droopy.

I really wish the woman didn't like the stuff in this tank so much, or I'd remove huge swaths of stuff (blue palys, mushrooms, etc), and maybe only keep anemones and "nice" zoathids.