I definitely think most of the people switching from LED to MH/T5 are looking to Maximize Acropora Growth/Coloration. I know a few oddballs using T5s to grow zoas but most of us zoa folks are using LEDs.
Some Store Information and their Light Set Ups and Approximate Coral Selection Percentages
-Correct me if I'm Wrong. I remember glancing at their lights but wasn't fully examining them.
Neptune Aquatics
Acropora Section his expensive section and 10/20$ section lit by Metal Halides.
Rest of the store lit by LEDs Kessil A360s
-75% of the Store Selection are LPS/Softies
-25% of the Store Selection are Acropora
Diablo Corals
Acropora Section lit by Metal Halides.
I think he might also be using some sort of T5 combo? Haven't been there in a while.
Rest of the store lit by LEDs Kessils.
-75% of the Store Selection are LPS/Softies
-25% of the Store Selection are Acropora
California Reef Co.
Acropora Frag Tanks lit by T5's (1 is lit by LEDs).
Rest of store lit by LEDs (Ecotech XR30 Radions)
-70% of the Store Selection are LPS/Softies
-30% of the Store Selection are Acropora
-Original Plans were (50% Acro and 50% LPS/Softies)
Aquatic Collection
Acropora Tank lit by Metal Halides.
Rest of the store lit by LEDs AI Lights.
-75% of the Store Selection are LPS/Softies
-25% of the Store Selection are Acropora
Battle Corals
Focuses primarily on Acropora, but they grow their acros under separate tanks each focusing on LEDs or T5s or Metal Halides.
If and when I set up an acropora tank....I think I'd go with LEDs Radions. I really can't see myself wanting to pay for Bulbs and replacing the bulbs yearly, too annoying for me. I'm not looking for tremendous growth anyways. If I was in the business of selling acropora out of my house, I would be using T-5s/MH.
The supposed extra growth is not worth the trade off for me to switch to T5s/MH considering the extra energy usage, bulb replacement requirement, extra heat emission, and larger/heavier fixture.