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Michael's 300 In Vegas

;) Getting some plumbing done, one more gasket should come today so I can get rubber between the overflow and the tank. I know you don't "need" that one, but I had so much trouble with my last overflow leaking, I am likely going to silicone everything first go.

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In tank salt water mixing station!

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Hit me up and you guys can cool off in the tank, or pool. If you come next year, I'll have you bring coral.

Don’t believe them when they say you don’t need three gaskets. I have three marine modular overflows running right now and had five running at one point. Every single one leaked or had some salt creep that did not have a gasket between the OF box and tank glass in addition the two gaskets between overflow box and nut and the flange and tank glass. In theory, you shouldn’t need it, but in practice, I’ve needed it.

I’d avoid the silicon, you should be fine with three gaskets.
Don’t believe them when they say you don’t need three gaskets. I have three marine modular overflows running right now and had five running at one point. Every single one leaked or had some salt creep that did not have a gasket between the OF box and tank glass in addition the two gaskets between overflow box and nut and the flange and tank glass. In theory, you shouldn’t need it, but in practice, I’ve needed it.

I’d avoid the silicon, you should be fine with three gaskets.
This is my experience as well with most of not all external overflows I’ve installed which is like 10-12

Could be bigger


Still have one more structure to move in, but this is an approximate layout. More crushed coral is curing with the rock next to the tank to help speed the cycle here.
This is my kind of aquascape. Basically a cleverly arranged rock pile. Love it
It is 10 discrete sculptures that can all be removed individually in case a pest zoa or something finds its way onto a rock. I figures I couldn't feasibly treat anything long term if I had the same strategy as my last scape, which was two piles that made caves with two arches connecting the two piles.

4-5 of these were made by @Coral reefer and 2 by @jestersix. They were moved in boxes where the fragile parts all broke off. I took epoxy sticks and super glue to make my own flavor of what I thought would be cool. As well as using my favorite pieces of rock to make the rest. Some places I threw marco rock powder on to help hide glue or epoxy. I recommend someone in the club buy a bag and share it 10 ways since it is inexpensive and goes a long way.

Keep in mind, fish like to swim “over” the reef more than “through” it
I’m sure the picture doesn’t fully reflect the space
Looking good!
Thank you. It was many more hours than one would think and I'm happy with how different the three views are. The swimming space was my justification for not building up more, and its a 30" tall tank so both hiding and swimming room.

That’s a lot of rock.
You should see what I didn't use, haha. But yes, I have a couple hundred pounds in the tank. I did find that a large biological filter in lots of rock and crushed coral helped keep everything stable and happy in my last big system.