
Michael's 300 In Vegas

I am currently 80% beating this exact same algae.
Turf scrubber, urchins, some blue legged crabs and lots of manual exporting.
Its one of the worst IMO.
It also starts dying or getting weak, when Phosphate is around 0.04.
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Yeah, throwing lots of snails, a couple urchins, a sea hare was put in a couple weeks ago. I haven't seen it since, but there is a lot of hair algae still, so plenty of food for it. My rocks are likely still leaching phosphates a bit, because almost any time I test my tank it is back up close to .5. Did a good LC dose again today with a wet skim and got it down to .16 The corals should start to help too.

Shout out to Aqua SD for the last two coral shipments. They have good stuff at good prices and things are packed with lots of care. I am excited to have gotten a few walking dendros and some black sun corals, so I am back to feeding really heavy all the time. The hope is that I have the tank stable enough now that these frags can get glued down and start to thrive. Unlike the last 4-5 bunches I have tried. The most recent ones are hanging in there though, so the tank is ready for some hard corals.

Clam doesn't care about the urchin. The red haddoni carpet in the back is getting happy.


I got some walking dendros in the last order of coral too, excited to see these guys do their thing. I hear I might need to put then in sand, but I have a lot more food going into this tank and they seem happy after a week.
View attachment 64861

Clam doesn't care about the urchin. The red haddoni carpet in the back is getting happy.

View attachment 64862

I got some walking dendros in the last order of coral too, excited to see these guys do their thing. I hear I might need to put then in sand, but I have a lot more food going into this tank and they seem happy after a week.

IME they need sand, they don't navigate that well and get stuck.
IME they need sand, they don't navigate that well and get stuck.
My thought was if there is enough food floating by, the dendro will be fine. I just don't know about the peanut worm, I would think there is enough food settling down in the substrate. They can always go in my aiptasia tank with sand, I'll just feed particulate to that tank too then. The dendros are really happy on the floor where they are, but I have no idea about the worm.
My thought was if there is enough food floating by, the dendro will be fine. I just don't know about the peanut worm, I would think there is enough food settling down in the substrate. They can always go in my aiptasia tank with sand, I'll just feed particulate to that tank too then. The dendros are really happy on the floor where they are, but I have no idea about the worm.

Worm IME dies first. Dendro not long after.
View attachment 64861

Clam doesn't care about the urchin. The red haddoni carpet in the back is getting happy.

View attachment 64862

I got some walking dendros in the last order of coral too, excited to see these guys do their thing. I hear I might need to put then in sand, but I have a lot more food going into this tank and they seem happy after a week.
How much light are the clams getting?
How much light are the clams getting?
80% intensity of the Kessil 360x through 30" of water. No par meter here to test with yet. Maybe 120 par? Thinking of adding more kessils like @JVU did to up the par and spread. I looked at his tank journal and like his mounting method and could copy that on mine. Just need 3 more lights.
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80% intensity of the Kessil 360x through 30" of water. No par meter here to test with yet. Maybe 120 par? Thinking of adding more kessils like @JVU did to up the par and spread. I looked at his tank journal and like his mounting method and could copy that on mine. Just need 3 more lights.
I'd probably double that for the maxima, at least 250 to be safe. An extra A360xe with a narrow lens would definitely spotlight the clams too!
Have you tested par on the 360x's yet? If so I'm curious as to what numbers your getting?
Nope, lot's of other people have tested this light, so I don't need to. Also, I am adding some more in the near future to get better spread. And there is not a cool club like BAR out here to let be borrow a meter for free.
Here is how the lights are mounted with the vertical pipes cut short, and the Kessil mount screwed into a 2x4 that is spray painted black.

View attachment 65325

View attachment 65326

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View attachment 65328

I got a couple Purple Tilefish. They look iridescent under white lights.
Nice idea using the 2x4! If the wood starts pealing or absorbing moisture may switch it out with a plastic hdpe 2x4 which come in all colors for pier and deck use just need to pre drill the holes fyi