Update from the last week or so. Switched brands of bacteria that I dose (from brightwell to seachem) because I don't want to wait for delivery and the lfs has some. Must have introduced a strain that really likes biopellets because I have a bloom. Lost 2 heads of a torch coral but all else seems OK. Bumped up the Skimmer a little to prevent O2 depletion.
Phosphates tested at 0.05 so I took the carbon/gfo out of the reactor. Nitrates are still sitting at 12 (though will probably go up as this bloom progresses through its cycle) so I put chaeto back in the reactor and have it lit 24 hours.
New 5 gallon bucket of CO2 scrubber media should be here soon. Running a Skimmer line outside has bumped my ph up to 8.0-8.1 but I want more. Adjusting the apex to divert air through the reactor if it drops below 8.2. I was going through a canister of media a week with the Skimmer pulling air from inside (small house with too many pets) but pulling in outside air has helped extend that to almost 2 weeks a canister.
Phosphates tested at 0.05 so I took the carbon/gfo out of the reactor. Nitrates are still sitting at 12 (though will probably go up as this bloom progresses through its cycle) so I put chaeto back in the reactor and have it lit 24 hours.
New 5 gallon bucket of CO2 scrubber media should be here soon. Running a Skimmer line outside has bumped my ph up to 8.0-8.1 but I want more. Adjusting the apex to divert air through the reactor if it drops below 8.2. I was going through a canister of media a week with the Skimmer pulling air from inside (small house with too many pets) but pulling in outside air has helped extend that to almost 2 weeks a canister.