Neptune Aquatics

My 210 restart.

I certainly don't understand how that system works. Looks like it uses some microprocessor somehow. Not all the components are labeled in the diagram so hard to figure out exactly. Seems like the waste does t off and go back into the membrane. It comes from before the flow restrictor so it should still have high pressure I guess...weird design for sure. Must have several check valves. Curious about the microprocessor for sure.
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I called them and they said that was the wrong PDF they need to revise it and send me the correct one. Ah go figure. Said when they T it off it was frying the membrane faster.

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A seeing some growth.

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I called them and they said that was the wrong PDF they need to revise it and send me the correct one. Ah go figure. Said when they T it off it was frying the membrane faster.

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I can probably set yours up in series pretty easy if you want help