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my 240 gallon downsizing to my new 90 gallon


Supporting Member
So I finally got all my equipment for the downsizing. The new tank is a 90 gallon truvu tank. I am using 5 reefbrite xho fixtures over the tank and a xho over my sump. The return pump is coming off of my 240 which is a coralife pump. Got a reef dynamic skimmer and using a filter sock as well.
The biggest and hardest part of this is going to be draining the tank and removing all corals and fish and removing the tank and setting up the new system in the same spot. I am very scared of losing corals as I am not keeping the fish as they were sold already. Also haven't decided on bare bottom or sand like I am currently using. I will take a pic of the 240 before it comes down and pics of the new system before start up. I am doing this next Saturday so that I have a full weekend to complete since I am doing this on my own.
I transferred my live stock to a kiddie pool with a couple of powerheads and a couple of heaters on a friday after work and they stayed there for three days without light until old set up was removed and upgrade set up was installed ( also in the same spot )...once I got water in it and heated I was able to transfer livestock back in. The only fatality was a fish that jumped out of kiddie pool....all other livestock was fine. hope this helps ease your mind.

I hope I am that lucky. I've started 3 smaller tanks before with my current systems water, sand, and rocks and added livestock that same day and all systems worked out great. I hope this turns out the same. Kiddie pool was a pretty good Idea. way cheaper than buying a huge rubbermaid tub.
Yeah I lucked out and found it on sale at lowes......out of season surplus I suppose........only problem was trying to find someone to give it to afterwards :( I added back a minimal amout of live rock and started with all new dead sand. My old sand was mostly calcified .




So here are the pics of the tank when I added water and sand, pics of all the coral in the tubs I borrowed, and the final result. It took me 2 days to take the 240 down and and remove the tank from its spot and put the 90 in the same spot and restock it. I only lost my male flame wrasse which is a bummer. Other than that everything went great.
I had a fully stocked 240 and somehow I was able to put all my coral in the tank and sump. Need to sell or trade about 30+ corals to clear out the sump and make some room in my display.
I kept 7 wrasses, black cap gramma, blue accessor, purple tile goby, and 2 cave gobies. I have my dwarf golden moray in a separate 60 gallon until I can find it a good home. So if anybody might know someone who wants one, please let me know.
sfsuphysics said:
Yikes man! It sure looks like you moved from a 240 to a 90 :D

Just can't have any of it grow now :D

yeah tell me about it. I have to frag that big tenius and milli that are taking up hella space. I plan on fragging and or selling a bunch of stuff. willing to trade as well for some cool sticks, favias, and chalices. Worst case scenario I am going to take all these corals in for trade in.
yardartist said:
Coral reefer said:
Wow. that is PACKED!

Almost time for an upgrade. Looks great.

no upgrades for a loooong time. I have to off the 240 gallon tank still. I am selling it for 500 for that and the custom 125 gallon sump, both are acrylic. still have the dwarf golden moray eel as well. not the hawaiian kind with the blue eyes but from Bali and has all gold eyes. I think its the better looking kind of the two dwarfs.
Too late I already have that problem. Sweeper tentacle madness. I have to make room for my huge rhizo. That rhizo get like 4 inches tall at night. So big. Gonna take my sps to joe and karson at aquatic collections for sale this weekend.
Too late I already have that problem. Sweeper tentacle madness. I have to make room for my huge rhizo. That rhizo get like 4 inches tall at night. So big. Gonna take my sps to joe and karson at aquatic collections for sale this weekend.
Too late I already have that problem. Sweeper tentacle madness. I have to make room for my huge rhizo. That rhizo get like 4 inches tall at night. So big. Gonna take my sps to joe and karson at aquatic collections for sale this weekend.
Too late I already have that problem. Sweeper tentacle madness. I have to make room for my huge rhizo. That rhizo get like 4 inches tall at night. So big. Gonna take my sps to joe and karson at aquatic collections for sale this weekend.