Cali Kid Corals

My fish tank

Sorry Dan, these are all pictures that I took the last time I had the camera out. I will try to get a picture of the naokoae the next time I get the camera out. I added some more substrate yesterday so it may be a week or two until the tank is ready to smile again.
Its been awhile since I have really had a chance to pay attention and there were some fireworks going on tonight. Even though I got a new lens and camera just to photograph the jocs (ok, maybe not the only reason), they still are going to take some practice to get some better shots.

Here they are (Barry White music playing in the background) about 15 minutes into their dance :D

Yes, I am still running radiums on blue waves. The first picture was taken with my old camera and expodisc as a wb setting. The expodisc takes all blue away and then you have to add it back in. The last two are a little more blue than the tank, but I am still getting used to the wb on the D90.