I've once again proven myself to be an idiot.
Was transferring my last remaining holygrail baby torch to my frag tank after completing treatment... while i was at it, thought it would be a good idea to pick off the vermetids on the plug.
Between my eyes adjusting from the bright blue lights and under ambient room light, i confused the retracted baby torch for a vermetid spiral. Yep. Picked it and shatter the skeleton before I realized what I had done.
Absolutely beside myself. Prior to this mishap, the torch was growing really well, and showing amazing colors that unique to any other HG variant I've seen.
Now hoping there's a slim chance that the bits that remain might regenerate. In all likelihood, I'll lose the HG baby. Crap!
Dunno why i even thought it necessary to pick off the vermetids. Not like there aren't any in my frag tank. Blame it being 3AM...
Then - pic doesn't do it justice (right):
Now - bits and pieces: