Finally decided to setup a new tank in my work office... Now that I am on the 3rd floor and far from the elevator, I've decided that the IM20 I had at my desk prior to the pandemic is no longer an option.
My goal is to have a trouble free, nearly set and forget it tank....with maybe an occasional WC. So, chose to resurrect one of my Fluval 5G.
Having a 3d printer has been amazing -- printed out a lid for a 10G aqueon tank as ATO, lid of the filter chamber and a RFG that fits the stock nozzle fitting (lots of trial and error!)
Keeping stocking simple as well... only a pair of clowns from one of my system at home. Also, a juvie purple tang (for now) -- before I get taken down by the tang police... will be using the tank as a nursery of sorts since often the tangs I get are too small to compete for food against the big guys in my DT. So, until the tang get big enough to move to the DT, it'll keep me company at work. This current one I've had since it was the size of a half-dollar.
I was only thinking of keeping BWs in the tank but recently grabbed the inferno from
@thephoreefer so in it went along with some macro and photosynthetic gorgonia I picked up recently, and a goni I won at CFM.
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