High Tide Aquatics

Neon Gobies

Yup, this was a few years ago when I had that conversation with him. I know he doesn't breed them any more, there were only clowns as far as I could see in his shop last weekend, but I didn't poke around too much. Wish he still did breed them though...
GreshamH said:
Euphyllia said:
Radiolunatic said:
Thanks for your explanation. That is what I am thinking as well. I saw 2 separate posting from Euphyllia mentioning the death due to old age, which one of them was anemone if I am not wrong. These trigger my thinking. Although, I know that these animal does not live forever, but how can we determine if the death is due to old age as Euphyllia said.

Agree that you can be sure on the age on CB. Do you know approx. life span on clownfish then? Sorry ... off topic a bit here.

I'd had the goby a year and it was 1.25" when I bought it. That means it was 1-2 years of age when it died. It was probably old age that killed it and since it was at least more than one year old and they live only to about 2 years at the max. I doubt my clowns would kill it even though they do like to kill stuff because they loved it since it sucked parasites off them! :) As for the GBTA I learned never to move an anemone! I was just guessing the GBTA was old age because I never damaged it after I moved it. I still think something attacked it. I don't think I could have caused all the damage on it from a move where I didn't even cause it to close!

2 years max? Just where do you pull this stuff up? The most notable scientists I know on the subject of MO fish would object to your post. What is considered a wild life span does not really equate to that of captive life span. Some gobies have lived +4x as long in aquaria as reported from the wild.

See my post above to refute your old age claim on anemones.

It's very bad to post an assumption as a fact. The internet is wide open and other readers may not know you do not really know what your talking about and might take your post as a fact.

I never said Gobies in general live for 2 years, I said that neon gobies live for about two years which is what I was told by my LFS. Take a look at this website. It says neon gobies live 2 years or longer. That wasn't exactly what I said, but I did say 2 years! http://www.fishlore.com/profile-neongoby.htm

Also, how did this turn into a thread about me being wrong about ages of gobies? :D
I asked where to buy yellow striped neon gobies. Does anybody have an answer to that?
Euphyllia said:
Also, how did this turn into a thread about me being wrong about ages of gobies? :D

It changed the second you started posting stuff as fact only supported with a random websites and an unnamed LFS employee. The simply use of stuff like IMO (IN MY OPINION) or IIRC (IF I RECALL CORRECTLY) go a long way in a post to show your just entirely sure what your saying is true, but it might be :) I have seen numerous posts by you that to the uniformed would look like fact. This can a problem and many of us have taken the time to point this out to you and try to help you, yet you continue to post like that. I beg you to take the advice given to you from people the honestly want to see everyone succeed in this hobby. I have the up most respect for you even if it doesn't seem like it at times. This hobby doesn't have many people under 18 in it.
GreshamH said:
Euphyllia said:
Also, how did this turn into a thread about me being wrong about ages of gobies? :D

This hobby doesn't have many people under 18 in it.

That it does not, sadly young people like things that cater to their narcissism, my interest in the hobby at an early age gave me an occupation along with Gresham and several others on this board. Don't get discouraged the hobby is ever evolving and everyone is learning at all times.
hey wait, how'd your interest at an early age get me a job :lol:

At your age I was far more into surfing, mountain biking, scuba diving and fishing. I did have a FW tank and many of my friends had SW tanks that I helped with but you've got a step up on me if you all ready into salt :)

I will not lie, it's not a super easy industry to succeed and make a heck load of money but if your not looking to break the bank, it's a fabulous and fun 9and a lot of hard work).

I share an office with an ex-ORA hatchery tech. I asked him about how long their breeding pairs live in general. He seems to remember about 2 years *but* that was due to death from fighting. He shared the same experience of me that he'd seen quite a few in non breeding situation live for 4+ years (for CB ones, not WC).