Radiolunatic said:
Thanks for your explanation. That is what I am thinking as well. I saw 2 separate posting from Euphyllia mentioning the death due to old age, which one of them was anemone if I am not wrong. These trigger my thinking. Although, I know that these animal does not live forever, but how can we determine if the death is due to old age as Euphyllia said.
Agree that you can be sure on the age on CB. Do you know approx. life span on clownfish then? Sorry ... off topic a bit here.
I'd had the goby a year and it was 1.25" when I bought it. That means it was 1-2 years of age when it died. It was probably old age that killed it and since it was at least more than one year old and they live only to about 2 years at the max. I doubt my clowns would kill it even though they do like to kill stuff because they loved it since it sucked parasites off them!

As for the GBTA I learned never to move an anemone! I was just guessing the GBTA was old age because I never damaged it after I moved it. I still think something attacked it. I don't think I could have caused all the damage on it from a move where I didn't even cause it to close!